Windows 10 – How to “fully” shutdown

Windows 10 by default does a hybrid shutdown which is supposed to make it quicker to start back up.

To fully shutdown you can hold the Shift key down while clicking the shutdown button.

Side note. A Restart will do a full shutdown before starting back up.

More info.

TFTP firmware to Ubiquiti radio

Boot up radio in tftp mode by pressing the reset button for ~20seconds or till you get the crossing blinky lights.

Enable TFTP
In Windows, search for
“turn windows features on or off”
Open up and select tftp client. Then hit OK.

That should install the tftp client

Flash firmware
To flash the firmware, open up a command prompt and run the tftp command

tftp -i PUT "\Users\bob\Downloads\XM.v6.1.3.31939.171117.1238.bin"

Vim config file .vimrc

Line numbers

Turn line numbers on

:set nu

Turn line numbers off

:set nu!

Color Scheme

:colorscheme evening

Syntax Highlighting

Turn Syntax highlighting on

:syntax on

Turn Syntax highlighting off

:syntax off

Highlight all search terms

:set hlsearch

You can add the following to your ~/.vimrc in Linux or ~\.vimrc in Windows so the options are used every time you run vim.

colorscheme evening 
syntax on
set hlsearch
set nu

Can’t set default app for .blend file on Windows 10

Problem: Can’t set default program for .blend files to Windows store version of Blender

Usually is not a problem as you’ll get asked if you want to set a default program. When you hit yes, blender does not show up in the list of apps. That wouldn’t be a problem, except Blender is from the Windows Store, so there is no launcher in the ordinary places.

Resolution: Install regular Windows installer from Blenders website.

Other Info

Not sure if the issue is with the Store or Blender. The .blend file type does not show up in the Windows Settings under “Apps -> Default apps -> Choose default apps by file type” and Blender doesn’t show up under “Apps -> Default apps -> Set defaults by app”

Backup Android with adb on Windows

Install SDK

Install Android Studio. This will install the SDK and tools like adb and fastboot

Download from here

To run adb, you’ll need to be in the same directory as it, so open a Command Prompt and cd to the following directory.

cd %APPDATA%..\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools

Full directory path is


Backup Android

On your Android device you will need to enable USB debugging from the developer options. Enable the developer options if you have not already.

When you plug your phone in it should ask you to Allow USB debugging. Hit OK to enable it.

Now run the backup command from your computer. Replace UserName with your computers User Name

adb backup -apk -obb -shared -all -f \Users\UserName\Desktop\android-backup.ab

On your phone you should get a window that shows Full Backup

Add optional password for backup and hit “Back up my data on phone”

Now Wait for it to finish…

Restore Backup

adb restore C:\Users\UserName\android-backup.ab

Should get a restore window on your phone, hit restore and wait.


error: device unauthorized.
This adb server's $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not set
Try 'adb kill-server' if that seems wrong.
Otherwise check for a confirmation dialog on your device.

USB Debugging is not allowed for computer. Try replugging the USB cable and accepting the USB Debugging.

BitLocker – Command Prompt Commands

You’ll need administrator privileges to use these command. You can also run them from a command prompt in recovery

Check Status

manage-bde -status

Turn off Encryption

manage-bde -off C:

Change C: to the drive that has BitLocker on it. Check with the status command. May not be C if your in recovery.
Also note that after the encryption is turned off it takes awhile to decrypt. Check with status command

Unlock BitLocker Encrypted Drive

manage-bde -unlock C: -recoverypassword 11111-...-99999

Replace C: with actual drive

Replace the numbers at the end to your actual recovery key.