LibreNMS manually clean up MySQL Syslog Database

Adding the following option to the config.php file is supposed to delete anything over 30 days.

$config['syslog_purge']                                 = 30;

You can also manually delete the entries out of the MySQL database by logging into MySQL, selecting the librenms database, and running the command below.

The command deletes all entries older than 12/9/2018 at 08:00. Change the date and time as needed.

DELETE FROM syslog WHERE timestamp < '2018-12-9 08:00:00';

The following link has some more clean up options.

Troubleshoot MySQL Performance

Login to MySQL

mysql -u root -p

Show Active processes


or to list all the processes use “FULL”


Run MySQL optimizer

perl ./

MySQL tuner should give some recommendations on settings to tweak.

Freeradius unauthorize clients in a group

First you’ll need a group that all your disabled clients are going to.

Next add the following lines to the user file “/etc/raddb/users”.  Change SQL-Group to Group if your groups are not in a SQL database.

DEFAULT SQL-Group == "disabled", Auth-Type := Reject
 Reply-Message = "Your account has been disabled."

Save, exit and test.

This should keep all clients in the disabled group from authorizing.