Enable SNMP v3 on Dell iDRAC9

First go to iDRAC Settings > Services > SNMP Agent.

  • Change you SNMP Community Name. (This is not used for SNMPv3)
  • Enable SNMPv3.

Next go to iDRAC Settings > Users.

Edit the current user, or create a new user. Scroll down to SNMP V3 Settings.

  • Change SNMP v3 to Enabled.
  • Enable Passphrase.
  • Set Authentication and Privacy Passphrases.
  • Save.

Add your iDRAC to your monitoring software. You can verify everything works from a Linux machine that has the SNMP utils installed.

snmpwalk -v3 -a SHA1 -A "snmpv3userpass" -x AES -X "snmpv3userpass" -l authPriv -u root

UniFi-Video Service failing to Start

Do note that the UniFi-Video software is no longer supported should be migrated to the UniFi Protect systems.

Running “systemctl status unifi-video” gives the following error.

(unifi-video) checking for system.properties and truststore files…

It appears that the error is due to an unsupported version of Java. Installing an older version of Java resolves the issue.

You can check which versions of Java are available with

apt-cache show openjdk-8-jre

The versions that showed up for me were


Installing the last one fixed the issue for now.

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre-headless=8u252-b09-1ubuntu1


fatal: [matrix2.host.com]: UNREACHABLE! => changed=false

Error while attempting to run playbook
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts setup.yml --tags=setup-system-user --ask-become-pass

Looks like the above issue is that Ansible is not able to authenticate with the server. By default it looks to try and use ssh keys, but I don’t have any passwordless ssh keys set up for Ansible to use so it fails while attempting to connect. The work around it to make sure you have sshpass installed and then specify –ask-pass to the end of the command.

ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts setup.yml --tags=setup-system-user --ask-become-pass --ask-pass

When the command runs it’ll ask you for the ssh password and then use that.

WHM/cPanel – Change Main Server IP

Change IP Address from command line

Open up the following file, change eth0 to your primary ethernet adapter. More info here.

 vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

and under IPADDR set it to the new IP. Update netmask and gateway if needed.

Save file and restart network

systemctl restart network

Update License

You may need to run the following to update the license on the server.


Change Server IP in WebHost Manager

Change IP for server in Basic WebHost Manager Setup

Other things to do

You may need to migrate IP’s to the new address.
If you are keeping the old address on the server, then you may need to readd it through the IP Functions.

OpenVPN on Mikrotik Router

Create Certificate

Can look here to set a certificate up in Winbox
or here to configure from command line

Enable OpenVPN server

To setup a OpenVPN server on a router there are a few things that need to be done.

  1. Create certificates (See top of post)
  2. Create IP pool for clients to use
  3. Configure default-encryption profile
  4. Create User
  5. Configure OpenVPN server

Create IP Pool

Create an IP pool that clients can pull and address from when they connect

Setup VPN IP pool

Modify Profiles

Modify the default-encryptoin Profile and specify the VPN IP pool.

Specify IP pool in profile

Create User

Create new user, specify the default-encryptio profile

Create VPN user

Turn OVPN Server on

Enable the OVPN server. Specify the “Default Profile:” to be the default-encyption, specify the certificate to be the server-template, or whatever the name is of the certificate you created.

Enable OpenVPN server

Set static ip address in Ubuntu 19.04

The network configuration settings for the server edition of Ubuntu are now stored in the following location. Create the file if it does not exist.

sudo vi /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml

Add or edit the config file to the following. Change eno1 to your interface name and the address and gateway to the appropriate IP’s

For more information, see netplan(5).
   version: 2
   renderer: networkd
      dhcp4: no
      addresses: []
        addresses: [,]

Now apply the changes with the following command.

sudo netplan apply

Start Minecraft server on RAM disk Linux

Create tmpfs ramdisk.  Note if your Linux user is something other than steve you’ll need to change where appropriate.

mkdir /home/steve/mcdisk

In etc/fstab add the following

tmpfs /home/steve/mcdisk tmpfs defaults,size=4096m 0 0

This creates a 4GB ram disk at /home/steve/mcdisk

To mount it you can either reboot, or run

mount -a

Copy your current Minecraft directory to the ram disk

cp -R /home/steve/Current_MC_Server/ /home/steve/mcdisk

Create a Bash script in “/home/steve” named “ramdisk_save.sh”

Paste the following in.  You may need to install rsync if you do not have it installed



rsync -r -t $RAMDISK/ $MCDIR/
rsync -r -t $MCSTORE/ $MCPATH/

Now add the script to crontab

crontab -e


 */5 * * * * /home/steve/ramdisk_save.sh

This will now run every 5 minutes and sync any changes on the ram disk to the original directory.

Start the Minecraft server

java -Xmx3072M -Xms3072M -jar server.jar nogui