Handling Spaces in File Names on Linux

Using ls to parse file names is not recommended for multiple reasons


Let’s say we have a directory with two files in it.

Hello, world.txt

Now we want to loop over the files. If we use ls in our for loop,

for file in $(ls); do echo "$file" ; done

We receive the following output


The space in “Hello, world.txt” is translated as a new line. This could break our script.

Here is a better way

for file in * ; do echo "$file" ; done

Helpful links


Earning Microsoft Rewards With PowerShell

Earn Microsoft Rewards with PowerShell Script

You can earn Microsoft rewards by using Bing for searching. What if you could automate Bing searches to automatically get rewards? Oh wait. PowerShell can launch Edge with a Bing search! So we can acquire Microsoft Rewards with PowerShell!

Create a new PowerShell file and past the following in.

1..30 | ForEach-Object{Start-Process msedge https://www.bing.com/search?q=bing+$_ 
    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 3000

The script will launch 30 Edge tabs with a Bing search of “Bing 1” next tab will be “Bing 2” etc. You could definitely be more creative with what and how you search for things, but this works as a proof of concept.

I created and ran this script from Visual Studio Code. But you should be able to create it with a normal text file and launch it in PowerShell.

The person at the following link did an excellent job at creating a system for this. Looks really cool.


Move multiple VLANs between two interfaces – Mikrotik

Move VLANs with foreach

Move all the VLANs under ether7 to ether6. Instead of an “=” sign, you can use a “~” to do a partial match.

foreach i in=[/interface vlan find where interface="ether7"] do={interface vlan set interface=ether6-master-local  $i } 

Move IP address to new port programmatically

Move ip address from ether6 to ether7. Change to the address and the find command will find it regardless of the port and assign it to ether6 or whichever port is specified.

ip address set interface=ether6-master-local [find address=""]

Using Delay

You can add a delay before a command runs by specifying delay and then the time to wait.

delay 60 

Use the ; to separate commands. Example below, wait 5 seconds then print the ip addresses.

delay 5 ; ip address print

Putting it all together

The following command/s will wait 60 seconds then move all the VLANs on ether7 to ether6 and then move the address to ether6.

delay 60 ; foreach i in=[/interface vlan find where interface="ether7"] do={interface vlan set interface=ether6-master-local  $i } ; ip address set interface=ether6-master-local [find address=""]

Bash Loop Examples

For i in 1-100 do

Basically count to 100 and perform an operation each time i increases.

for ((i=1; i<=100;i++))
  echo $i

for loop 1 liner

for ((i=1; i<=100;i++)) do echo $i ; done

While true (Execute forever)

Handy if you just want a script to run and repeat the same thing over and over again. Doesn't stop till you kill it.

while true
  echo "Repeat till infinity"
  sleep 1

While command is true

The following will execute the loop as long as the command in the () returns true. Once it returns false, it'll stop the loop

while (fping incredigeek.com | grep alive); 
  echo alive
  sleep 1

Bash array example

array=(one two three)
echo "Printing first object in array."  #Replace 0 with the place number of the array item
echo ${array[0]}

echo ""

echo "Whole array"
echo ${array[*]} 

echo "" 

echo "Array indexes" 
echo ${!array[*]}


Printing first object in array. 

Whole array
one two three

Array indexes
0 1 2


wget multiple links with random access times

Create a file “list.txt” that contains all the URLs you want to download and launch the following command

for i in cat list.txt ; do wget ${i} && sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 120 ) +1 )) ; done

It’ll now run and after each link will wait a random amount of time up to 120 seconds before downloading the next link. Change the number as needed.

Bash ANSI-C Quoting

Pulled from https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html#ANSI_002dC-Quoting

As a side note there is a lot of good bash info out here. https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html ANSI-C Quoting

Words of the form $'string' are treated specially. The word expands to string, with backslash-escaped characters replaced as specified by the ANSI C standard. Backslash escape sequences, if present, are decoded as follows: \a

alert (bell) \b

backspace \e\E

an escape character (not ANSI C) \f

form feed \n

newline \r

carriage return \t

horizontal tab \v

vertical tab \\

backslash \'

single quote \"

double quote \?

question mark \nnn

Some examples

echo Hello $'\t' World

Returns “Hello World” with a tab space between both words.

echo Hello $'\n' World

Returns Hello on one line and World on the second

echo "\"Hello World\""

Returns “Hello World” inside double quotes

BASH Script to add new SFTP user and setup permissions

This script adds a new SFTP user with only sftp access.  Refer to this post on setting up a SFTP server.

Download script

wget www.incredigeek.com/home/downloads/scripts/sftpUserAdd.sh

Make executable

chmod +x sftpUserAdd.sh

Run with the new user you want to create.

./sftpUserAdd.sh sftpUsername

You may need to edit the script and modify the location parameters.

# Automatically setup and add SFTP user
# Script creates new user and setups permissions
if grep -q ${newUser} /etc/passwd ;then
echo ${newUser} Already exsists. Aborting!
exit 1
mkdir -p ${sftpDir}/${newUser}/files
useradd -g sftpusers -d ${sftpDir}/${newUser}/files -s /sbin/nologin ${newUser}
passwd ${newUser}
chown ${newUser}:sftpusers /sftp/CareMark/files

Add multiple IP bindings to Mikrotik Hotspot – Bash Script

Copy and paste the following into a file named mtbypass.sh and then “chmod +x mtbypass.sh”  Or download from this direct link.  Be sure to change the username and password


for i in `cat ${filelist}`
address=`echo $i | cut -d= -f1`
mac=`echo $i | cut -d= -f2`
sshpass -p ${password} ssh ${username}@${ip} "ip hotspot ip-binding add address=${address} mac-address=${mac} type=bypassed"

Now create a file named bypasslist.txt and put all the addresses you want bypassed.  You’ll need the Mac Address and the IP Address.

Example file

Usage of script is

./mtbypass.sh MikrotikIP

