How to Bypass NVIDIA NVENC Limits on RTX Cards on Linux

It appears that NVIDIA has limited the number of NVEncoding streams on consumer GPUs. Guess it is so people have to buy the more expensive professional cards.

Fortunately, the limit is only applied to the driver, and there is a patch available that let’s us bypass the limiter.

Install Patch

This assumes you already have the driver installed. If you do not, or run into issues with the commands below, refer to the above link.

Download the tool


Unzip the file


Run the patch script

cd nvidia-patch-master
sudo bash ./

And we are finished!

Further reading

NVIDIA has a matrix of which cards support how many streams etc.

And while we are on the topic of artificial limits, check out the vGPU license bypass

Setting up Databricks Dolly on Windows with GPU

The total process can take awhile to setup Dolly. You’ll need a good internet connection and around 50GB of hard drive space.

Install Nvidia CUDA Toolkit

You’ll need to install the CUDA Toolkit to take advantage of the GPU. The GPU is much faster than just using the CPU.

Install Git

Install git from the following site.

Download Dolly

Download Dolly with git.

git lfs install 
git clone

Install Python

We’ll also need Python installed if it is not already.

Next we’ll need the following installed

py.exe -m pip install numpy
py.exe -m pip install accelerate>=0.12.0 transformers[torch]==4.25.1
py.exe -m pip install numpy --pre torch --force-reinstall --index-url --user

The last one is needed to get Dolly to utilize a GPU.

Run Dolly

Run a python console. If you run it as administrator, it should be faster.


Run the following commands to set up Dolly.

import torch
from transformers import pipeline

generate_text = pipeline(model="databricks/dolly-v2-3b", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, trust_remote_code=True, device_map="auto")

# Or to use the full model run

generate_text = pipeline(model="databricks/dolly-v2-12b", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, trust_remote_code=True, device_map="auto")

Note: if you have issues, you may want/need to specify an offload folder with offload_folder=”.\offloadfolder”. An SSD is preferable.
Also if you have lots of RAM, you can take out the “torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16”

Alternatively, if we don’t want to trust_remote_code, we can do run the following

from instruct_pipeline import InstructionTextGenerationPipeline
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("databricks/dolly-v2-3b", padding_side="left")
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("databricks/dolly-v2-3b", device_map="auto")

generate_text = InstructionTextGenerationPipeline(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)

Now can ask Dolly a question.

generate_text("Your question?")


>>> generate_text("Tell me about Databricks dolly-v2-3b?")
'Dolly is the fully managed open-source engine that allows you to rapidly build, test, and deploy machine learning models, all on your own infrastructure.'

Further information is available at the following two links.

Install NVIDIA 510 driver (LHR Bypass) on CentOS/Fedora for Mining

Download NVIDIA 510 Driver

Download driver from here (Official Link) or with wget.


If the above link doesn’t work, you can download a copy from this site with the following.


Extract with

tar zxf ./

Verify Driver (Optional)

Not a bad idea to check if you downloaded from an untrusted source.


The Hash should equal


Install NVIDIA Driver

We can now install the NVIDIA driver with the following command.

sudo ./

It will have a couple of prompts that are easy to walk through.

While installing the driver, it can try to blacklist Nouveau, if it runs into issues, try running the following, reboot, and run the install again.

sudo gruby --update-kernel=ALL --args="nouveau.modeset=0"

After driver is installed, reboot your machine.

Now download a copy of your favorite mining software and enjoy the extra Mhs…

Nvidia RTX 3080 – Hashrate and Power Consumption

Nvidia RTX 3080 ETH Hashrate and Power Consumption

The following is the estimated Hashrate and power consumption of a RTX 3080 based on web sources.

RTX 3080


Cost Used (eBay)
February 2021: $1600 – $2000

Hasrate for Ethash and Power Consumption

Hashrate: 97/Mhs

Power Consumption
Average: 250 W

Average Mhs Per Watt : 0.39/Mhs
Average Watts Per Mhs: 2.58 W

Profitability is about $12.45/day as of February 9, 2021

Nvidia RTX 3070 – Hashrate and Power Consumption

Nvidia RTX 3070 ETH Hashrate and Power Consumption

The following is the estimated Hashrate and power consumption of a RTX 3070 based on web sources.

RTX 3070


It seems that the hashrate and power consumption is basically the same as an RTX 3060 Ti

Cost Used (eBay)
February 2021: $950 – $1000

Hasrate for Ethash and Power Consumption

Hashrate: 62/Mhs

Power Consumption
Average: 122 W

Average Mhs Per Watt : 0.51/Mhs
Average Watts Per Mhs: 1.97 W

Profitability is about $8.39/day as of February 9, 2021

Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti – Hashrate and Power Consumption

Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti ETH Hashrate and Power Consumption

The following is the estimated Hashrate and power consumption of a RTX 3060 Ti based on web sources.

RTX 3060 Ti


Cost Used (eBay)
February 2021: $900 – $1000

Hasrate for Ethash and Power Consumption

Hashrate: 60/Mhs

Power Consumption
Average: 120 W

Average Mhs Per Watt : 0.5/Mhs
Average Watts Per Mhs: 2 W

Profitability is about $7.70/day as of February 9, 2021

Nvidia RTX 3090 – Hashrate and Power Consumption

Nvidia RTX 3090 ETH Hashrate and Power Consumption

The following is the estimated Hashrate and power consumption of a RTX 3090 based on web sources.

RTX 3090


Cost Used (eBay)
February 2021: $2300 – $2700

Hasrate for Ethash and Power Consumption

Hashrate: 120/Mhs

Power Consumption
Average: 300 W

Average Mhs Per Watt : 0.40/Mhs
Average Watts Per Mhs: 2.50 W

Profitability is about $15.40/day as of February 9, 2021