LibreNMS – Package not found: The ‘command_runner>=’

The Problem

Running the ./validate.php script returns the following error

[FAIL]  Python3 module issue found: 'Required packages: ['PyMySQL!=1.0.0', 'python-dotenv', 'redis>=3.0', 'setuptools', 'psutil>=5.6.0', 'command_runner>=1.3.0']
Package not found: The 'command_runner>=1.3.0' distribution was not found and is required by the application
        pip3 install -r /opt/librenms/requirements.txt

Running the [FIX] throws an error saying gcc failed with exit status 1.

The Solution

Fortunately this issue is easy to resolve.

First we need to install python3-devel

sudo yum install python3-devel

Next, as the librenms user, run the pip command to install the requirements.

pip3 install --user -U -r /opt/librenms/requirements.txt

Run ./validate.php to verify that everything is working.

librenms validate.php results

LibreNMS Error Running ./validate.php – Database: incorrect column…

LibreNMS error while running ./validate.php

Recently I started getting the following error while running ./validate.php.

$ sudo -u librenms ./validate.php
Component | Version
--------- | -------
LibreNMS  | 21.8.0-41-g0a76ca4
DB Schema | 2021_08_26_093522_config_value_to_medium_text (217)
PHP       | 7.4.20
Python    | 3.6.8
MySQL     | 10.5.10-MariaDB
RRDTool   | 1.4.8
SNMP      | NET-SNMP 5.7.2

[OK]    Composer Version: 2.1.6
[OK]    Dependencies up-to-date.
[OK]    Database connection successful
[FAIL]  Database: incorrect column (notifications/datetime)
[FAIL]  Database: incorrect column (users/created_at)
[FAIL]  We have detected that your database schema may be wrong, please report the following to us on Discord ( or the community site (
        Run the following SQL statements to fix.
        SQL Statements:
         SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00';
         ALTER TABLE `notifications` CHANGE `datetime` `datetime` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '1970-01-02 00:00:00' ;
         ALTER TABLE `users` CHANGE `created_at` `created_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '1970-01-02 00:00:01' ;

Reading online it sounds like some of the recent changes are causing the issue. Looks fairly easy to resolve though.

First we’ll need to get a MySQL prompt. We’ll do that by running

mysql -u librenms -p librenms

It’ll ask use for the librenms user’s mysql password.

Once we have the MySQL prompt we can just copy and paste the commands in.

SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00';
ALTER TABLE `notifications` CHANGE `datetime` `datetime` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '1970-01-02 00:00:00' ;
ALTER TABLE `users` CHANGE `created_at` `created_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '1970-01-02 00:00:01' ;

Type ‘quit’ to exit MySQL and lets run the validate script again.

sudo -u librenms ./validate.php

Everything should check out OK.

LibreNMS Error – port_groups Base table or view already exists

port_groups issue upgrading LibreNMS

The above error can be resolved by dropping the port_groups table in mysql. You may double check that there is no information in the table. I checked this instance and it didn’t have any data in the table so I dropped it with

drop table port_groups;

I then ran the lnms command again and it created the table and started migrating.

Migrate LibreNMS to new Server

Some quick notes on manually moving LibreNMS to a new server.  For more detailed instructions you can refer to the following post

Recovering LibreNMS from crashed XenServer VM


  1. Backup /opt/librenms file
  2. Backup librenms database
  3. Install LibreNMS on new server
  4. Import /opt/librenms files
  5. Import librenms database

Backing up LibreNMS files

LibreNMS stores all it’s files in /opt/librenms
Quick and easy way to back up the LibreNMS files is to use tar.

tar zcvf librenms_backup.tgz /opt/librenms

Migrating Database

I believe you can copy the whole /var/lib/mysql directory.  Should be able to use the above command.  If not you can do a mysqldump and then import it on the new system.

LibreNMS – Rename Host From Command Line

SSH into LibreNMS server

ssh user@librenms-server

cd into the LibreNMS directory

cd /opt/librenms

Rename host

sudo ./renamehost.php old-hostname new-hostname


Note you can use IP addresses if the device is using that as the host name

sudo ./renamehost.php 192.168.2

You may want to check out these posts

LibreNMS update to Python 3

You may get the following alert in LibreNMS. Basically you need to install python 3 to keep things up to date.

Python 3 is required to run LibreNMS as of May, 2020. You need to install Python 3 to continue to receive updates. If you do not install Python 3 and required packages, LibreNMS will continue to function but stop receiving bug fixes and updates.

Install Python 3

Install Python 3 with yum, or apt if you are on a Debian based distro.

sudo yum install python3
sudo pip3 install -r /opt/librenms/requirements.txt

Verify LibreNMS is updated and working

Run the following commands to make sure that LibreNMS is working correctly and is up to date.

cd /opt/librenms
sudo ./validate.php
sudo ./

LibreNMS – failed

All the following commands are run from the “/opt/librenms” directory

$ sudo ./ 
Re-running /opt/librenms/ as librenms user
Updating to latest codebase                        FAIL
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.

Checking with validate.php shows that you can run githup-remove to fix it

$ sudo ./validate.php
[WARN]  Your install is over 24 hours out of date, last update: Mon, 23 Feb 2020 05:43:12 +0000
         Make sure your cron is running and run ./ by hand to see if there are any errors.
 [WARN]  Your local git contains modified files, this could prevent automatic updates.
         You can fix this with ./scripts/github-remove
         Modified Files:

Run “sudo ./scripts/github-remove -d”

$ sudo ./scripts/github-remove -d
Are you sure you want to delete all modified and untracked files? [y/N] y

You should also be able to remove the files individually if the above command does not work.

Run validate again to make sure it checks out good.

Now run ./

Manually create graph of device in LibreNMS

In LibreNMS, you can hit the “Show RRD Command” to give you the command to manually create a graph.  Copy the command.

In the command below, the path shows the IP address of the device to generate the graph from.  Theoretically you can change that to a different IP to generate graphs from other devices.

SSH into server server and run the command, change /tmp/randomtext to something like /root/mikrotik_092619.png or whatever you want.  You can also adjust the size, color etc of the graph.

 rrdtool graph /tmp/randomtext --alt-y-grid --alt-autoscale-max --rigid -E --start 1515946500 --end 1516551300 --width 1712.7 --height 483 -c BACK#EEEEEE00 -c SHADEA
#EEEEEE00 -c SHADEB#EEEEEE00 -c FONT#000000 -c CANVAS#FFFFFF00 -c GRID#a5a5a5 -c MGRID#FF9999 -c FRAME#5e5e5e -c ARROW#5e5e5e -R normal --font LEGEND:8:DejaVuSansMono --font AXIS:7:DejaVuSansMono -
-font-render-mode normal COMMENT:'Volts Cur Min Max\n' DEF:sensor495=/opt/librenms/rrd/ LINE1:sensor495#CC0000:'Voltage 0
 ' GPRINT:sensor495:LAST:%5.1lfV GPRINT:sensor495:MIN:%5.1lfV GPRINT:sensor495:MAX:%5.1lfV\l