Modifying DNS Entry for Domain

Search /etc/named.conf to find the zone file for the domain.

Find the domain name and see where the zone file is.  Example zone block.

zone "" in {
 type master;
 file "/var/named/mzones/";
 allow-query { any; };
 forwarders {};

The file is /var/named/mzones/

Edit your zone file by opening it up in a text editor.

Example.  Text in bold added for comments.

$TTL 21600
$ORIGIN com.
incredigeek IN SOA
 0000147 ; serial  <- This needs to be incremented so it is greater than the previous version of this file
 43200 ; refresh (12 hours)
 7200 ; retry (2 hours)
 604800 ; expire (7 days)
 21600 ) ; minimum
 300 A   <- A record for root domain
localhost IN A
www 300 IN A  <- www subdomain A record
login 300 IN A <- another subdomain A record

Save file and reload Bind

On FreeBSD

rndc reload

you can reload everything with

rndc reload

On Fedora/CentOS/REHL

service named reload

On Ubuntu/Debian

service bind9 restart

You may need to reload Bind on any slave servers

How to install Broadcom WiFi drivers in Fedora 27

Install RPM Fusion

sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

Install packages

sudo dnf install -y kernel-devel-$(uname -r)
sudo dnf install -y akmodssudo dnf install -y broadcom-wl

Give the computer a reboot and the Broadcom card should now work.

Install Hashcat Utils

Hashcat - Kali Linux

Hashcat on Kali Linux

Here is a quick way to download and install the Hashcat utils.

Download the Hashcat utils


Run the following commands to unzip and make the binaries

cd hashcat-utils-master/src

You can now convert an aircrack file by invoking the cap2hccapx binary

./cap2hccapx.bin /path/to/aircrack.cap /path/for/output

Check out the following article for more details on converting Aircrack files to Hashcat hccapx

Need to install Hashcat on Fedora?

How to convert an Aircrack capture file to a Hashcat hccapx

Using Aircrack

aircrack-ng input.cap -J hashcat_output

Unfortunately the above command doesn’t seem to work anymore.

If you try to run Hashcat with the outputted file you’ll get an error.

hashcat_output.hccap: Old hccap format detected! You need to update:

Using Hashcat utils

Refer to this guide for installing the Hashcat utils.

Basic syntax is

./cap2hccapx.bin input.cap output.hccapx


~/Downloads/hashcat-utils-master/src/cap2hccapx.bin aircrack-01.cap aircrack.hccapx

Allow KDE Connect through firewall


sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=1714-1764/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=1714-1764/udp
sudo systemctl restart firewalld.service

UFW firewall

sudo ufw allow 1714:1764/udp
sudo ufw allow 1714:1764/tcp
sudo ufw reload

More information

Increase Disk Size of Linux VM in VMware

This is for extending a regular Ubuntu Linux partition, if you need to resize, expand a LVM partition refer to this guide.  I am using Gparted as I ran into some issues using parted for moving the partitions around.

Shut the VM down,

sudo shutdown -h now

It is a good idea to take a snapshot of the VM before resizing the disk, so if you run into an issue you have something to revert back to.  In the vSphere Client, right click on the VM -> Snapshot -> Take Snapshot.

Change VM Disk size by right clicking on the VM and going to Edit Settings

You can now boot up the VM.  Fire up GParted and it should show some unallocated space at the end of your drive.

Now in the next two images we are moving the Extended partition, which contains the Swap Partition to the end of the drive, so the unallocated space is adjacent to our root partition.

  1. Turn off the swap space by right clicking on the swap partition and hit Swapoff.
  2. Right click on the extended partition and extend to the the end of the Drive
  3. Right click on linux-swap and move to the end of drive.
  4. You should now have something similar to this

Hit Apply and write the changes to the disk then

  1. Right click on the extended partition and shrink to the end
  2. Right click on /dev/sda1 “Root partition” and extend to extended partition.

It should now look like this

Hit apply, then right click on the linux-swap and turn Swapon.

Enjoy the extra space.

Parted resizing notes

Launch parted with the following command.  Specify the disk you want to modify.  In this case /dev/sda.

sudo parted /dev/sda

Print partition and available free space.  If you just run print, it will not show you the available free space.

(parted) print free

You can resize, or rather extend a partition using the “resizepart” command inside parted.  Command syntax is as follows

(parted) resizepart PartitionNumber End

Example: Resize partition 1 to 30GB.  Note you’ll need to specify the end part with the GB, otherwise, you’ll be shrinking the partition or making a mess…  You can see what space is available with the “print free” command above

(parted) resizepart 1 30GB

After you have run the resizepart in parted, you’ll need to grow the filesystem, so run one of the following commands from the local shell.

resize2fs /dev/sda1

Or for XFS partitions

xfs_growfs /dev/sda1

You can check the partition size with

df -h


sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda