Send/Receive a File with Netcat

For clarity of instructions, we will use the following terminology.

Server = Remote system, typically like a web server
Client = Local system, the computer/vm you are using

Download file from Server


Run the following command on the server.

cat file.txt | nc -l -p 1234


Now on the client we can download the file with the following. Change the IP to the Server IP address

nc 1234 > file.txt

Upload from Client to Server

If we want to reverse this, aka. send a file from the client to the server, we can do the following


This will write the file to file.txt

nc -l -p1234 -q 1 > file.txt < /dev/null


Send file.txt to Change the file and IP address as needed.

cat file.txt | nc 1234

How To tell if an email on a cPanel server has been read from the command line

All of the emails in the email directories contain one of the following at the end of the filename

$ ls cur/ | cut -d: -f 2 | sort | uniq -c
54 2,               <- Not Read
12 2,ab             <- Not Read
83 2,S              <- Read
61 2,Sab            <- Read

The first two “2, and 2,ab” mean that the message has not been read. The bottom 2 “2,S and s,Sab” mean that the message has been read or “seen?”. Guess that is what the S is for. Not sure what ab is for.