Import/Export GPG Private Key

Note that if you need to copy both your Private and Public key, you’ll need to export both separately.

List Keys

You can list all the GPG keys with the following command.

gpg --list-keys

Export Key

Change “keyID” to your key idea from the above command. The key ID is the long string of hexadecimal characters.

gpg --export-secret-keys "keyID" > private_key.asc

This will export the keys to private_key.asc. Rename as appropriate.

To export the Public Key

gpg --export "keyID" > public_key.asc

Import Key

To use the key, you’ll need to import and trust the key.

gpg --allow-secret-key-import --import private_key.asc
gpg --edit-key "keyID"

Then type


Select level 5.

Import the Public Key

gpg --import public_key.asc

Decrypt Files

To decrypt a single file do

 gpg --batch --passphrase='password' ./file.gpg

If your GPG does not have a password, remove the whole `–passphrase=’password’` option

To decrypt multiple files you can run

for file in * ; do gpg --batch --passphrase='password' "$file" ; done

Export Saved Firefox logins

Enable Dev Tools

Open up a new tab, go to about:config. Search for “” and set to true

Enable Firefox Devtools Browser Console

Now open up the Browser Console with “Ctrl + Shift + J” and past in the following

try {
  signons = Services.logins.getAllLogins();
  var csv = '"Site","Username","Password"';
  for (var i=0; i<signons.length; i++){
    csv += '\n';
    csv += signons[i].httpRealm ? 
      ('"' + signons[i].hostname + ' (' + signons[i].httpRealm + ')","') : 
      '"' + signons[i].hostname + '","';
    csv += signons[i].username + '","' + signons[i].password + '"';
} catch (err) {
  console.log('Problem reading or outputting logins: '+err);
Browser Console, Running Script

Hit enter to run the command and return all the saved logins. You can copy and paste them, or export to file.

How to export/import a XenServer VM from the Command Line

We can list the VM’s by running

xe vm-list

You can export a VM using either the name of the VM or by using the uuid.  The above command list both so you can use which ever one you want.

You will also need to shutdown the VM your going to export.

xe vm-shutdown vm=ubuntu

Export by Name
The name of the VM is”ubuntu”.

xe vm-export vm=ubuntu filename=/backup/ubuntu.xva

Export using uuid

xe vm-export uuid=b24dcd65-5e12-4576-2f39-46ecab9362ab filename=/backup/ubuntu.xva

Importing VM

xe vm-import vm=centos5 filename=/backup/ubuntu.xva