Install NVIDIA 510 driver (LHR Bypass) on CentOS/Fedora for Mining

Download NVIDIA 510 Driver

Download driver from here (Official Link) or with wget.


If the above link doesn’t work, you can download a copy from this site with the following.


Extract with

tar zxf ./

Verify Driver (Optional)

Not a bad idea to check if you downloaded from an untrusted source.


The Hash should equal


Install NVIDIA Driver

We can now install the NVIDIA driver with the following command.

sudo ./

It will have a couple of prompts that are easy to walk through.

While installing the driver, it can try to blacklist Nouveau, if it runs into issues, try running the following, reboot, and run the install again.

sudo gruby --update-kernel=ALL --args="nouveau.modeset=0"

After driver is installed, reboot your machine.

Now download a copy of your favorite mining software and enjoy the extra Mhs…

Install RX 580 Mining Drivers on Debian Based Distributions

Use wget to download AMD drivers.

wget --referer

Extract archive.

tar xf amdgpu-pro-20.45-1164792-ubuntu-20.04.tar.xz

Change directory

cd amdgpu-pro-20.45-1164792-ubuntu-20.04

Install AMD Drivers

./amdgpu-pro-install -y --opencl=legacy,rocm --headless

If you run into issues with it saying “Unsupported DEB based OS” Refer to the following article.

Unsupported DEB-based OS: /etc/os-release ID ‘kali’

Unsupported DEB-based OS: /etc/os-release ID ‘kali’

Unsupported DEB-based OS: /etc/os-release ID ‘kali’. You can get the above error if you try to install AMD drivers on Kali Linux. Looks like by default they are looking for a system that is Ubuntu, LinuxMint or Debian.

You can resolve the issue by opening up the “amdgpu-pro-install” file and adding more OS’s that it can check for.

vi ./amdgpu-pro-install

Scroll down to line 147 where is says


and change it to


The code function should look like the following.

142 function os_release() {
143         if [[ -r  /etc/os-release ]]; then
144                 . /etc/os-release
146                 case "$ID" in
147                 ubuntu|linuxmint|debian|kali)
148                         :
149                         ;;
150                 *)
151                         echo "Unsupported DEB-based OS: `
152                                 `/etc/os-release ID '$ID'" | stderr
153                         exit 1
154                         ;;
155                 esac
156         else
157                 echo "Unsupported OS" | stderr
158                 exit 1
159         fi
160 }

Save a close the file and install the AMD drivers

./amdgpu-pro-install -y --opencl=legacy,rocm --headless

Looking at trying to install AMD drivers for mining? Check out the following link
Install RX 580 Mining Drivers on Debian Based Distributions

More info on Stack Exchange

Install Microsoft Precision Drivers on Alienware 13 R3

Download and extract the Lenovo driver

Open Device manager, right click on the touchpad and select Update driver

Update Touchpad driver

Browse My computer for Driver Software

Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer

On the pop up select have disk

Navigate to the extracted Lenovo driver and select Autorun.inf

Open, select next, install, accept the warning

Restart computer

After you restart your computer you can go to the Windows settings and tweak the precision settings

Windows 10 precision touchpad settings

Other interesting touch pad stuff