How to Fix UISP “Application is loading. 1 min remaining…”

After a recent update, UISP may have stopped working.

If we run sudo ~unms/app/unms-cli status, we receive the following error:

WARN[0000] /home/unms/app/docker-compose.yml: the attribute version is obsolete, it will be ignored, please remove it to avoid potential confusion
Error response from daemon: Container 174b07e5e39d311a326c69497f1b2e1ae0eedcb067c9dada6e546ab556aad371 is restarting, wait until the container is running

It appears that there is a bug upgrading to 2.4.155.

The Fix

To fix the issue, manually update from the command line again.

sudo ~unms/app/unms-cli update

Collecting Logs

There are a couple ways to check logs. We can view docker logs for specific containers using

docker logs unms

We can collect all of the logs with

sudo tar -cvjSf /tmp/uisp-logs.tar.bz2 /home/unms/data/logs

If you receive an error about bzip2 not being found, either install it sudo apt install bzip2 or change tar to tar -cvz

This will put all the logs in /tmp. You can download them with scp, sftp, winscp or something.

Install UniFi 5.6.42 in Docker

Pull UniFi 5.6.42 docker image

sudo docker pull jacobalberty/unifi:5.6.42

Install image

sudo docker run -d --init --restart=unless-stopped --name=unifi-controller --net=host --volume=/docker/unifi:/var/lib/unifi -p 8080:8080/tcp -p 8081:8081/tcp -p 8443:8443/tcp -p 8843:8843/tcp -p 8880:8880/tcp -p 8883:8883/tcp -p 3478:3478/udp jacobalberty/unifi:5.6.42

Access and setup the unifi controller from a browser.
