Handling Spaces in File Names on Linux

Using ls to parse file names is not recommended for multiple reasons


Let’s say we have a directory with two files in it.

Hello, world.txt

Now we want to loop over the files. If we use ls in our for loop,

for file in $(ls); do echo "$file" ; done

We receive the following output


The space in “Hello, world.txt” is translated as a new line. This could break our script.

Here is a better way

for file in * ; do echo "$file" ; done

Helpful links


How to Find Yesterdays Date in Linux

The wrong way to find yesterdays date:

I had a command that was used to see if. It used some arithmetic operators to subtract 1 from the current day. That would give us yesterdays day which we could then use to check if a backup was created then.

day=$(date +%d) ; date=$(($day - 1)) ; echo "yesterday date is $date"

It worked great, unless you happened to be on the 8th or 9th of the month. Looks like bash is interpreting 08 and 09 in octal format. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24777597/value-too-great-for-base-error-token-is-08

-bash: 08: value too great for base (error token is "08")

The better way

Fortunately there is an easier and more reliable way to do this. Using the date command, you can specify yesterday and it will print out yesterdays date.

date --date=yesterday +%d

Much easier to use.

Some more info.



Using sed to format a phone number

Formatting an unformated “phone” number using sed.

There may be a different and easier way to do this, but the main thing to learn here is the ^, $, and [[:digit:]] options.

^ refers to the first part of a line
& which is our searched for pattern
$ refers to an end part of the line
[[:digit:]] searches for, you guessed it. Digits!

The following command reads the incoming 10 digit number form echo and does the following.

the ^ tells it that the pattern needs to match at the beginning of the line
[[:digit:]] repeated tells it to search for three consecutive digits
(&) tells it to put brackets around the & which is our searched for pattern in the first part.
We then pipe that to another sed command which
searches for 4 consecutive digits
the $ tells it that it needs to be at the end of the line.

echo "1234567890" | sed -e 's/^[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]/(&) /g' | sed -e 's/[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]$/-&/g'

Resulting output is

(123) 456-7890

The following link was helpful while searching what the ^ and $ options do.


LibreNMS backup script

You should be able to copy and paste the following in a backup.sh file and then execute from cron. Should work out of the box, but you can change the backup directory and the teams.sh path if needed/wanted.


# LibreNMS backup script
# Jan 1, 2019

lDate=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M`       # local date + hour minute
dDate=`date +%Y%m%d`            # todays date

# If you have the teams.sh script, you can trigger a backup notification
ALERT="/home/admin/teams.sh -b"

# Directory to backup to

# MySQL settings for tar and sqldump

# Directory that contains data

# tar LibreNMS dir
# tar SQL dir "the whole thing with the innode files
# sql dump of the db for extra redundancy

if [ -d ${bDir} ]; then
echo "backup dir exist, starting to backup"
        echo "backup dir not available.  Quiting"
        exit 1

${ALERT} "Starting backup for ${bName} - `date`"

systemctl stop mariadb httpd
# LibreNMS data backup
tar -zcvf ${bDir}/${lDate}-${bName}.tgz ${dDir}
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "Tar succesfully backed up ${bDir}"
        echo "Tar failed while trying to backup ${dDir}"
        echo " ${lDate} - Tar failed while trying to backup ${dDir}" >> ${LOG}
        ${ALERT} "${lDate} - Tar failed while trying to backup ${dDir}"

# MySQL data backup
tar -zcvf ${bDir}/${lDate}-${bName}-mysql.tgz ${sqlDir}
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "Tar succesfully backed up ${sqlDir}"
        echo "Tar failed while trying to backup ${sqlDir}"
        echo " ${lDate} - Tar failed while trying to backup ${sqlDir}" >> ${LOG}
        ${ALERT} "${lDate} - Tar failed while trying to backup ${sqlDir}"

systemctl start mariadb httpd
sleep 5

 # SQL dump
mysqldump -u ${sqlUN} -p'4rfvBHU8!' ${sqlDB} > ${bDir}/${lDate}-${bName}.sql
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        echo "MySQL DB dumped"
        echo "Ran into error while doing sql dump"
        echo "${lDate} - Ran into error while doing sql dump" >> ${LOG}
        ${ALERT} "${lDate} - Ran into error while doing sql dump"

echo "Removing old backups"
if ( ls ${bDir} | grep -q ${dDate} );then
        find ${bDir}/* -prune -mtime +31 -exec rm {} \;
        echo "Looks like there are no backup files!  Aborting!!!"
        ${ALERT} "${lDate} - Error: find failed to find any backup files in backup dir.  Aborting!!!"

${ALERT} "Finished backup for ${bName} - `date`"

Bash Loop Examples

For i in 1-100 do

Basically count to 100 and perform an operation each time i increases.

for ((i=1; i<=100;i++))
  echo $i

for loop 1 liner

for ((i=1; i<=100;i++)) do echo $i ; done

While true (Execute forever)

Handy if you just want a script to run and repeat the same thing over and over again. Doesn't stop till you kill it.

while true
  echo "Repeat till infinity"
  sleep 1

While command is true

The following will execute the loop as long as the command in the () returns true. Once it returns false, it'll stop the loop

while (fping incredigeek.com | grep alive); 
  echo alive
  sleep 1

Bash array example

array=(one two three)
echo "Printing first object in array."  #Replace 0 with the place number of the array item
echo ${array[0]}

echo ""

echo "Whole array"
echo ${array[*]} 

echo "" 

echo "Array indexes" 
echo ${!array[*]}


Printing first object in array. 

Whole array
one two three

Array indexes
0 1 2


Linux night light script

The following script let you turn your screen brightness up/down, but also adjust the color for night time.

Copy and paste code below in a nightlight.sh file

chmod +x nightlight.sh

and run

./nightlight.sh on .5


export DISPLAY=$(w $(id -un) | awk 'NF > 7 && $2 ~ /tty[0-9]+/ {print $3; exit}')

display=`xrandr | grep "\ connected" | cut -d" " -f1`
# Check if brightness was specified.  If not, set screen to 50% brightness
if (echo $2 | grep [0-9]);then
elif (echo $1 | grep -q help);then
         echo "############"
         echo "Brightness variable not set, setting to fallback of 50%"
night_mode() {
   for disp in ${display}; do
     xrandr --output $disp --gamma $1 --brightness ${brightness}
  done }
# auto is for future development
# auto() {
# The idea behind auto is to setup something that can pull the actual sunrise/sunset times then automatically adjust the display.
# Ideally there would be an algorithm so it does it slowly over a period of time, say slightly change the color over 30 minutes.
# until the desired color limit is reached
# curl sunrise-sunset.com/timezone/time
# if (time > sunset && colorTemp != colorTempMin); then
# set color to current temp-1
# elif (time > sunrise && colorTemp != colorTempMax); then);
# set to full brightness and temp
# else
# unable to parse, skipping.
# fi
help() {
echo " Help for nightmode script.  
How to run script
./nightmode.sh on/off brightness
Turn nightmode on and set screen brightness to 75%
./nightmode.sh on .75
Turn night mode off and set screen brightness to 100%
./nightmode.sh off 1
case $1 in
  off) night_mode 1:1:1 1.0 ;;
  help) help ;;
  auto) auto ;;
  *) night_mode 1:1:0.5 ;;

Setup in crontab to automatically trigger when it gets night or morning

* 21 * * * ~/nightlight.sh on .5  # Turn on at night
* 7 * * * ~/nightlight.sh off 1  # Turn off in the morning

wget multiple links with random access times

Create a file “list.txt” that contains all the URLs you want to download and launch the following command

for i in cat list.txt ; do wget ${i} && sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 120 ) +1 )) ; done

It’ll now run and after each link will wait a random amount of time up to 120 seconds before downloading the next link. Change the number as needed.

Bash random sleep timer

Change the 10 to however many seconds you need or want.

echo $(( ( RANDOM % 10 ) +1 ))

Example output

bob@localhost:~$ echo $(( ( RANDOM % 10 ) +1 ))
bob@localhost:~$ echo $(( ( RANDOM % 10 ) +1 ))
bob@localhost:~$ echo $(( ( RANDOM % 10 ) +1 ))

Sleep timer

sleep $(( ( RANDOM % 10 ) +1 ))