SSH into the VMware server
ssh root@vmwareserver
Set the auth and priv types
esxcli system snmp set -a MD5 -x AES128
Generate hashes
The hashes are needed to create the user. Replace authpass and privhash to the password you want.
esxcli system snmp hash --auth-hash authpass --priv-hash privhash --raw-secret
Create user
Replace authhash and privhash with the auth and priv hashes returned from the above command.
esxcli system snmp set -e yes -C -u snmpuser/authhash/privhash/priv
Single line Command
Change authpassword and privpassword to your authentication and private passwords.
authpass="authpassword" && privpass="privpassword" && esxcli system snmp set -a MD5 -x AES128 && esxcli system snmp hash --auth-hash ${authpass} --priv-hash ${privpass} --raw-secret && esxcli system snmp set -e yes -C ${contact} -u snmpuser/${authhash}/${privhash}/priv
View SNMP Configuration
esxcli system snmp get