You can specify for Preseem to monitor a vlan by opening up the config file in
vi /etc/preseem/config.yaml
The parts in bold are what get added.
bridges: br0: addressSpace: default 802.1q: inspectDefault: false vlans: 2: addressSpace: default inspect: true 10: addressSpace: default inspect: true
In the above vlan 2 and 10 get added and should now be inspected.
Save the file and restart the services
systemctl restart preseem-netdev-manager.service systemctl restart preseem-node-manager.service systemctl restart preseem-health-manager.service systemctl restart preseem-telegraf.service systemctl restart preseem-system-stats-manager.service
You’ll need to wait for it to update in the Preseem interface. May take a day for it to update and start reporting.