List Snapshots
service snapshot list
Roll back to snapshot
serviced snapshot rollback SNAPSHOT --force-restart
List Snapshots
service snapshot list
Roll back to snapshot
serviced snapshot rollback SNAPSHOT --force-restart
This is just a quick write on the hosts.allow and deny files. You can lookup “spawn” and/or “twist” for some advanced usage.
So to limit an IP address, or a IP range access to SSH, do the following
Deny all incoming request for SSH
Edit the “hosts.deny” file
vi /etc/hosts.deny
add the following line
sshd : ALL
Now edit “hosts.allow” and allow the client IP, or IP range to access SSH
vi /etc/hosts.allow
add the following line to allow a single IP
sshd :
If you want to allow the whole subnet, then replace the above line with this one
sshd : 192.168.1.
hosts.allow overrides hosts.deny. So you deny everything and then allow exceptions.
Problem: Volume goes from mute to 100% with very little ability to adjust it.
The following command should work on any Linux computer that is running alsa.
alsactl init
To install a ZenPack on Zenoss 5.1 and later, you are going to need to stop the zenoss services, restart a couple services that are needed to install the ZenPack, install the ZenPack, and then restart the Zenoss service.
Stop Zenoss.Core :
serviced service stop
Make sure the service is stopped by running the following command. When it reports back the Zenoss is Stopped, then continue.
if ( serviced service status Zenoss.Core | awk '{print $3}' | grep -q Stopped) ; then echo "Zenoss is not running!" ; else echo "Zenoss is not Stopped!" ; fi
Or you can run this command, just make sure it says it is stopped.
serviced service status zenoss.core
Create a Snapshot
serviced service snapshot Zenoss.core
Start the following three services
serviced service start Infrastructure
serviced service start Infrastructure
serviced service start zeneventserver
serviced service start Zope
Change directory to tmp, make sure you put the zenpack in /tmp
cd /tmp
Install the Zenpack
serviced service run zope zenpack-manager install *.egg
serviced service run zope zenpack-manager install ZenPacks.zenoss.MikroTik-1.1.1.egg
Restart the Zenoss Service
serviced service restart zenoss.core
Log into Zenoss and check it.
The examples given here are for modifying the wlan0 interface. Replace wlan0 with the interface you are configuring. i.e. (eth0,wlan1)
Method 1
This was the typical way to add a static IP address to a Pi, if you have issues with this, then try Method 2.
sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces
In the file it is pretty easy to see which lines control which interface, find the lines that control wlan0 (or the interface your configuring) and change/add to look like below.
iface wlan0 inet static address netmask gateway
Save the file, reboot, and the Pi should come up with the new static IP.
Method 2
It looks like on the newer versions of Raspbian, the above method does not work anymore, so now you have to edit the following file
sudo vi /etc/dhcpcd.conf
and add the following lines.
interface wlan0 static ip_address= static routers= static domain_name_servers=
If you just need to assign a static IP address, to the device, because it is going to be setup as a hotspot or something, you can get away with the following.
interface wlan0 static ip_address=
If you run into issues with it not assigning the address, check the /etc/network/interfaces file and make sure that the line that starts with “iface wlan0” says manual at the end and not static. If it says “iface wlan0 inet static”, change it to “iface wlan0 inet manual”
This is helpful if you need to control the volume on a Mac that you have access to via SSH, or need to control it with a bash script.
Basic syntax
sudo osascript -e "set volume (0-10)"
Turn volume off
sudo osascript -e "set volume 0"
Turn volume to 100%
sudo osascript -e "set volume 10"
Turn volume to 51%
sudo osascript -e "set volume 5.1"
The following is some commands to try and troubleshoot RabbitMQ not starting in Zenoss 5.
Connecting to the RabbitMQ container
serviced service attach $(serviced service list | grep -i rabbitmq | awk '{print $2}')
Check the service
You can check the RabbitMQ service by running “rabbitmqctl status”
[root@764399e5hhba /]# rabbitmqctl status Status of node rabbit@rbt0 ... Error: unable to connect to node rabbit@rbt0: nodedown DIAGNOSTICS =========== attempted to contact: [rabbit@rbt0] rabbit@rbt0: * unable to connect to epmd (port 4369) on rbt0: nxdomain (non-existing domain) current node details: - node name: rabbitmqct22222@764399e5hhba - home dir: /var/lib/rabbitmq - cookie hash: yy3+awwOpeaaaa12wdf42ff== [root@764399e5hhba /]#
As you can see the node is down so RabbitMQ is not able to start.
Try to ping rbt0 (RabbitMQ connects to rbt0 so if it can’t resolve, then it can’t start)
ping rbt0
If you get a “ping: unknown host rbt0” then add the following to /etc/hosts. Change the IP address to the IP address of the container. You can run “ip addr” or ifconfig to get the IP. rbt0
Or if your interface is eth0, you can run this command.
echo "$(ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet " | awk '{print $2}') rbt0" >> /etc/hosts
Then run “rabbitmqctl status” again. The service auto starts, so it may take a minute, but you should see something similar to the following. (Not that I cut some of the text out.)
[root@764399e5hhba /]# rabbitmqctl status Status of node rabbit@rbt0 ... [{pid,4629}, {running_applications, ... CUT TEXT ... {uptime,5}] ...done. [root@764399e5hhba /]#
Checking vhost
List the RabbitMQ vhosts with “rabbitmqcl list_vhosts”
[root@764399e5hhba /]# rabbitmqctl list_vhosts Listing vhosts ... / /zenoss ...done.
If you run rabbitmqctl list_vhosts and don’t see /zenoss, then add it
rabbitmqctl add_vhost /zenoss rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /zenoss zenoss '.*' '.*' '.*'
If the vhost is up then you can try deleting the zenoss vhosts and readding it.
[root@764399e5hhba /]# rabbitmqctl delete_vhost /zenoss rabbitmqctl add_vhost /zenoss rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /zenoss zenoss '.*' '.*' '.*'
The only downside to theses changes is that once the service gets restarted the changes you made inside the container will be lost, There should be a way to update the container so that the changes are persistent.
Install Mysql
yum install mariadb mariadb-client mariadb-server freeradius-mysql
Setup MySQL database.
mysql -u root -p CREATE DATABASE radius; GRANT ALL ON radius.* TO radius@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "RadiusPassword"; exit
Import the schema.sql file into the db.
mysql -u radius -p radius < /etc/raddb/mods-config/sql/main/mysql/schema.sql
Should be good to go.
It looks like MariaDB replaces MySQL on CentOS 7 and Fedora so to install the Server and client install the following two packages.
yum install mariadb mariadb-server
or for Fedora
dnf install mariadb mariadb-server
To force the fonts DPI do the following.
Open up “System Settings” and under “Font” Select “Force fonts DPI:” Change the defualt number if needed.
Apply settings and restart the computer.
You might need to do this if KDE is displaying the fonts larger than they should be, or if the title bars are overly large.