Install Ravencoin Wallet on Fedora

These instructions are for installing the Ravencoin wallet on Fedeora, but the instructions should work for CentOS, and be similar for Debian/Ubuntu Distros.

The Linux readme can be found here.

Install dependencies

sudo dnf -y install zeromq libevent boost libdb4 miniupnpc libdb4-cxx protobuf-lite-devel

Download the binaries.  Manually here or with wget.  Latest files should be on their github


Note if you don’t have wget installed, you can install it by running

sudo dnf install -y wget

Unzip the downloaded files

tar zxvf fedora27-x86_64.tar.gz

Change to the new directory

cd fedora

Launch the Raven Wallet GUI


Setup Android SDK with Unity

Download and install Android Studio from here

Open up Unity and go to Edit -> Preferences

In the Unity Preferences go to External Tools and under the Android heading under SDK click browse

Locate your Android SDK folder and select folder.  The SDK folder should be located under “C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk”.  You can check where the Android SDK Location is in Android Studio under Configure -> SDK Manager.

Your preferences should look something like this.

SNMPv3 snmpwalk

Where AuthPass is your SNMPv3 Authorization password and CryptoPass is your SNMPv3 Encryption password.

snmpwalk -v3 -a MD5 -A AuthPass -x DES -X CryptoPass -l authPriv -u privUser localhost

If your not using encryption you should be able to drop the “-x des” and “-X CryptoPass” option, and change the “-l” option “authPriv” to “authNoPriv”

Modifying DNS Entry for Domain

Search /etc/named.conf to find the zone file for the domain.

Find the domain name and see where the zone file is.  Example zone block.

zone "" in {
 type master;
 file "/var/named/mzones/";
 allow-query { any; };
 forwarders {};

The file is /var/named/mzones/

Edit your zone file by opening it up in a text editor.

Example.  Text in bold added for comments.

$TTL 21600
$ORIGIN com.
incredigeek IN SOA
 0000147 ; serial  <- This needs to be incremented so it is greater than the previous version of this file
 43200 ; refresh (12 hours)
 7200 ; retry (2 hours)
 604800 ; expire (7 days)
 21600 ) ; minimum
 300 A   <- A record for root domain
localhost IN A
www 300 IN A  <- www subdomain A record
login 300 IN A <- another subdomain A record

Save file and reload Bind

On FreeBSD

rndc reload

you can reload everything with

rndc reload

On Fedora/CentOS/REHL

service named reload

On Ubuntu/Debian

service bind9 restart

You may need to reload Bind on any slave servers

Add local DNS entry in Windows

Windows has a similar file like the Linux /etc/hosts file.  It is located in


You’ll need to have administrator privileges to modify the file.  So you can launch notepad as Administrator then open the file.  If you don’t see the file make sure the drop down across from “File name:” is set to “All Files”.

You can add entry’s just like you would on Linux   hostname

How to install Broadcom WiFi drivers in Fedora 27

Install RPM Fusion

sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

Install packages

sudo dnf install -y kernel-devel-$(uname -r)
sudo dnf install -y akmodssudo dnf install -y broadcom-wl

Give the computer a reboot and the Broadcom card should now work.