Ubiquiti AirOS – applying changes over ssh

When applying changes over ssh you’ll need to “write” or “save” the changes. Usually you’ll edit the /tmp/system.cfg config file and then save the changes with one of the following commands.

/usr/etc/rc.d/rc.softrestart save
cfgmtd -f /tmp/system.cfg -w && reboot

rc.softrestart has some advantages. It does not require the radio to reboot when making changes to things like SNMP or the device name.

It does seem to have issues sometimes with certain changes. The following happened when attempting to replace the whole /tmp/system.cfg with a previous backup config.

XM.v6.1.8# XM.v6.1.8# /usr/etc/rc.d/rc.softrestart save
]--- /tmp/.running.cfg.972
+++ /tmp/.system.cfg.972
@@ -1,110 +1,256 @@
... more random stuff ...
Fast system script build Success.
Fast syslog script build Success.
Fast users script build Success.
Fast poepass script build Success.
Fast resolv script build Success.
do_radio_fast_script: rname wifi0
Unsuported change in radio.1.dfs.status for fast update
Fast radio script build failed
Fixup Startup_list …Done.
Welcome back!
[ubnt@localhost] > 

If you have issues applying changes with the softrestart, you can try it with cfgmtd. Downside is the radio does reboot.

cfgmtd -f /tmp/system.cfg -w && reboot 

You could potentially take the reboot off the end of the above command, but have had random issues in the past where the only way to fix it was a physical reboot. Having the radio reboot after applying the config seems to resolve the issue

Windows 10 – How to “fully” shutdown

Windows 10 by default does a hybrid shutdown which is supposed to make it quicker to start back up.

To fully shutdown you can hold the Shift key down while clicking the shutdown button.

Side note. A Restart will do a full shutdown before starting back up.

More info.


Install VirtualBox Guest Addition for Kali Linux

Boot up the virtual machince

Insert the “Guest Additions CD Image…” from the Devices menu

In the VM, open up Files/Nautilus or Dolphin and find the CD. Open a terminal in the same directory and execute the auto run script

sudo sh autorun.sh

It should pop up another window to install the guest additions. After it is installed, you’ll need to reboot the VM for the new changes to take effect.

Ubiquiti AirOS – “test” changes from command line

The following is a method to recover from a command that may inadvertenly make a radio go offline.

The idea is to launch a process in the background that sleeps for 5 minutes and then reboots the radio, so any changes not saved will be reverted. If the changes were successful, you’ll just need to log back in and kill the background process to keep the device from rebooting.

This can be helpful if your changing networking settings using ifconfig, trying to change routes, or something went wrong while trying to apply a system.cfg setting.


sleep 300 && reboot &

Execute whatever command you need to. i.e.


If your command worked you can log back into the device and search for the process id of the sleep command and kill it so the radio doesn’t reboot.

ps | grep sleep

Example output

2XC.v8.5.12# ps | grep sleep
412 admin 1636 S sleep 500
414 admin 1640 S grep sleep

Kill the pid

kill 412

Delete files older than x days – Linux

You can use find command to find and delete files older than the specified days. In this case 30.

find /backup/* -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \;

Non recursive example. The -prune option should limit find to only look for files in the /backup directory. So it won’t check any subdirectories.

find /backup/* -prune -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \; 

PlayMaker reverting to local variables instead of using global variable

In PlayMaker you can experience issues with variables if you have a Global variable (Green in picture) and a Local variable (Red in picture) that have the same name. PlayMaker will let you select the Global variable however, you’ll get erratic behavior and it seems to revert to the local variable. Work around? Rename one of the variables.