LineageOS Updater crashing when trying to install update

The LineageOS Updater downloads updates fine, but crashes as soon as you hit Install.

Looks like there may be a bug that has something to do with an update that it already downloaded and installed, but waiting on the device to reboot.

Reboot the device to resolve the issue.

Other things to try would include deleting and redownloading the update and/or trying a different update.

How to reset Minecraft Demo timer without resetting the World – Linux

Note that the following commands have not been tested, but based off of other ones so should work.

Open a terminal and run the following two commands to delete level.dat and level.dat_old

rm ~/.minecraft/saves/Demo_World/level.dat 
rm ~/.minecraft/saves/Demo_World/level.dat_old 

Should be able to open up Minecraft and have the timer reset. Note that all the achievments in the game will be reset as well.

How to reset Minecraft Demo timer without resetting the World – Windows

Open Windows File Explorer, in the Address Bar paste the following and hit enter.


You should now be in the demo world folder.

Delete the “level.dat” and “level.dat_old” files and restart minecraft.  Your timer should now be reset as well as all the game objectives.

Manually create graph of device in LibreNMS

In LibreNMS, you can hit the “Show RRD Command” to give you the command to manually create a graph.  Copy the command.

In the command below, the path shows the IP address of the device to generate the graph from.  Theoretically you can change that to a different IP to generate graphs from other devices.

SSH into server server and run the command, change /tmp/randomtext to something like /root/mikrotik_092619.png or whatever you want.  You can also adjust the size, color etc of the graph.

 rrdtool graph /tmp/randomtext --alt-y-grid --alt-autoscale-max --rigid -E --start 1515946500 --end 1516551300 --width 1712.7 --height 483 -c BACK#EEEEEE00 -c SHADEA
#EEEEEE00 -c SHADEB#EEEEEE00 -c FONT#000000 -c CANVAS#FFFFFF00 -c GRID#a5a5a5 -c MGRID#FF9999 -c FRAME#5e5e5e -c ARROW#5e5e5e -R normal --font LEGEND:8:DejaVuSansMono --font AXIS:7:DejaVuSansMono -
-font-render-mode normal COMMENT:'Volts Cur Min Max\n' DEF:sensor495=/opt/librenms/rrd/ LINE1:sensor495#CC0000:'Voltage 0
 ' GPRINT:sensor495:LAST:%5.1lfV GPRINT:sensor495:MIN:%5.1lfV GPRINT:sensor495:MAX:%5.1lfV\l

Clamp rotation of camera in Unity

Some notes and issues when trying to clamp the rotation of a camera in Unity. All the code was put on a script assigned to a controller that controlled the camera view. Used the Simple Touch Controller from the asset store.

Problem trying to clamp EulerAngles

It appears that the following code does not work as EulerAngles expects a value from 0-365.

transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(Mathf.Clamp(transform.localEulerAngles.x - rightController.GetTouchPosition.y * Time.deltaTime * speedContinuousLook, 0f , 20f ),transform.localEulerAngles.y + rightController.GetTouchPosition.x * Time.deltaTime * speedContinuousLook, 0f);

Extra debug info

Debug.Log("Rotation = " + transform.localEulerAngles.ToString());

Code to clamp rotation

You have to do some math to take the value from 0-365, then translate it to -90 – 90 so it can be clamped properly

// Put these with the rest of your public variables.  These should show up in the Unity Inspector and allow you to modify the values
public float speedProgressiveLook;
public float clampXRotationUp;
//  The following lines allow the script to Clamp the camera X rotation and should go in the Update function

float playerRotation = transform.localEulerAngles.x - rightController.GetTouchPosition.y * Time.deltaTime * speedContinuousLook; 

if (playerRotation > 180)        {             
    playerRotation = playerRotation - 360 ;  // Sets our working numbers between -180 - 180  
playerRotation = Mathf.Clamp(playerRotation, clampXRotationDown, clampXRotationUp);

Vector3 newRotation;
newRotation.x = playerRotation;
newRotation.y = transform.localEulerAngles.y + rightController.GetTouchPosition.x * Time.deltaTime * speedContinuousLook;
newRotation.z = 0;

transform.localEulerAngles = newRotation;

The following links were helpful.

Unity Game Scene tab flickers during game play

There appears to be an issue with HDPI displays and the Unity Game tab while testing the game in unity. Have had issues where the UI elements will resize and not work correctly. Issue seems to be with how Windows scales the screen.

Dropping the scaling to 100% and/or the resolution down to 1920×1080 seems to resolve the issue.

Videos flashing and resizing on Internet Explorer

Had a problem with a NVR not displaying cameras correctly in the web interface in Internet Explorer. The issue appears to be something wrong with how it is interacting with Windows scaling.

To resolve the issue you can set the scaling to 100%


If the monitor is a HDPI, set it to a 1920×1080 resolution with scaling at 100%.