kubuntu-desktop : Depends: software-properties-kde but it is not going to be installed

Try installing software-properties-kde and get

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  software-properties-kde : Depends: python3-software-properties (= but 1.8.8 is to be installed
 E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

Try to install python3 from the bionic from bionic-updates

sudo apt install -t bionic-updates python3-software-properties

Install software-properties-kde

sudo apt install software-properties-kde

If it fails try force installing it

sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/software-properties-kde_0.

Install Kubuntu desktop

sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop

More info here

Install KDE on Linux Mint 19.2

First add the following repo

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports

Make sure you are updated and upgraded

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

And if needed do a reboot

sudo reboot

Install the KDE desktop

sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop

Log out, select Plasma and log back in.


Setup DHCP server on Linux

Install dhcp server software

sudo apt install isc-dhcp-server

Edit the following config file and set the networking interface it should use. In this case enp60s0

sudo vi /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server

Example line to change


Now edit the dhcpd.con file

sudo vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf 

Add the following in. Change the addresses and settings as needed.

subnet netmask {
   option domain-name-servers ns1.internal.example.org;
   option domain-name "internal.example.org";
   option subnet-mask;
   option routers;
   option broadcast-address;
   default-lease-time 600;
   max-lease-time 7200;

Set a static ip on the computer that’ll be acting as the dhcp server. You can set it as the gateway if it is the gateway.

Allow dhcp through the firewall

sudo ufw allow  67/udp
sudo ufw reload
Restart the service and connect a client.

sudo systemctl restart isc-dhcp-server

More info.

You can look at dhcp leases with the following command

tail -f /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases

Run iperf speed test on Linux

Install iperf

sudo yum install iperf3

Launch server with

iperf3 -s 

If you want you can have it bind on a certain interface which can be useful in some causes if you have multiple IP addresses on the system. The IP address is the local address of the machine.

iperf3 -s -B

Note you may need to disable the firewall to allow access from the client

sudo systemctl stop firewalls

From the client computer install iperf and run it.

iperf3 -c

Clonezilla – Clone Windows 10 from single SSD to New Raid 0 SSD Volume

Boot up and create your raid array

Boot into Clonezilla and get to command line :cry: unfortunately you can’t clone from disk to raid in clonezilla interface, however we can do it from the command Line!

Basic steps are as follows. Replace raidarray with the name of your raid array.

  • Initialize raid array with dmraid -ay or kpartx -a /dev/mapper/raidarray
  • use gdisk to backup structure of source drive
  • Write gdisk backup to raid array
  • use ntfsclone to clone to raid array
  • ntfsclon –overwrite /dev/mapper/raidarray /dev/sdSOURCEDRIVE

Generate Password list using Crunch

Install crunch and then generate a word list with the following command. The 8 8 tells crunch to generate combinations that have a minimum and maximum length of 8. All the numbers from 1-0 tells crunch to use these characters, -o writes to output file.

Change options if desired.

crunch 8 8 1234567890 -o 8numberchars.lst

Further reading. https://tools.kali.org/password-attacks/crunch

Baicells – nmap scan of eNodeB shows connected subscribers

Doing a port scan on the 50000-59999 port range reveals all the connected subscriber modules.

Alfred@localhost:~$ nmap -p 1-65535
 Starting Nmap 7.60 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2019-09-30 23:55 CDT
 Nmap scan report for
 Host is up (0.026s latency).
 Not shown: 65520 closed ports
 80/tcp    open     http
 7547/tcp  open     cwmp
 27149/tcp open     unknown
 59423/tcp open     unknown
 54984/tcp open     unknown
 51241/tcp open     unknown
 Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 19.18 seconds

Should be able to access the login page for the subscriber module by going to https://enodb-ip:xxxxx

Where xxxxx is the port number from the scan. Should be 5 with the last four IMSI numbers of the subscriber unit.

SSH into Baicells eNodeB

Based upon multiple nmap scans on Baicells eNoceB’s it appears that they use port 27149 as the default SSH port.

Example scan

Alfred@localhost:~$ nmap -p 1-28999
Starting Nmap 7.60 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2019-08-27 21:19 CDT
 Nmap scan report for
 Host is up (0.044s latency).
 Not shown: 28996 closed ports
 80/tcp    open  http
 7547/tcp  open  cwmp
 27149/tcp open  unknown  <-- SSH Port 
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 10.81 seconds

SSH into eNodeB

ssh -p 27149 admin@ 


ssh -p27149 admin@ 
 CELL> ?
   enable      Turn on privileged mode command
   exit        Exit current mode and down to previous mode
   list        Print command list
   passwd      User password
   ping        Send echo messages
   quit        Exit current mode and down to previous mode
   show        Show running system information
   ssh         Open an ssh connection
   telnet      Open a telnet connection
   terminal    Set terminal line parameters
   traceroute  Trace route to destination
   whoami      Show current user in system

Hydra – SSH Example

Hydra is a network login cracker. You’ll need a password list and username(s) to get started.

Install Hydra

sudo apt-get install -y hydra 

Launch against device
Change the IP address to the target IP
Change ubnt to target Username
Change password.lst to your password list file

SSH Example

hydra -l ubnt -P password.lst ssh

Run hydra -h to get the full help.

Alfred@localhost:~$ hydra -h
Hydra v8.6 (c) 2017 by van Hauser/THC - Please do not use in military or secret service organizations, or for illegal purposes.
 Syntax: hydra [[[-l LOGIN|-L FILE] [-p PASS|-P FILE]] | [-C FILE]] [-e nsr] [-o FILE] [-t TASKS] [-M FILE [-T TASKS]] [-w TIME] [-W TIME] [-f] [-s PORT] [-x MIN:MAX:CHARSET] [-c TIME] [-ISOuvVd46] [service://server[:PORT][/OPT]]
   -R        restore a previous aborted/crashed session
   -I        ignore an existing restore file (don't wait 10 seconds)
   -S        perform an SSL connect
   -s PORT   if the service is on a different default port, define it here
   -l LOGIN or -L FILE  login with LOGIN name, or load several logins from FILE
   -p PASS  or -P FILE  try password PASS, or load several passwords from FILE
   -x MIN:MAX:CHARSET  password bruteforce generation, type "-x -h" to get help
   -y        disable use of symbols in bruteforce, see above
   -e nsr    try "n" null password, "s" login as pass and/or "r" reversed login
   -u        loop around users, not passwords (effective! implied with -x)
   -C FILE   colon separated "login:pass" format, instead of -L/-P options
   -M FILE   list of servers to attack, one entry per line, ':' to specify port
   -o FILE   write found login/password pairs to FILE instead of stdout
   -b FORMAT specify the format for the -o FILE: text(default), json, jsonv1
   -f / -F   exit when a login/pass pair is found (-M: -f per host, -F global)
   -t TASKS  run TASKS number of connects in parallel per target (default: 16)
   -T TASKS  run TASKS connects in parallel overall (for -M, default: 64)
   -w / -W TIME  wait time for a response (32) / between connects per thread (0)
   -c TIME   wait time per login attempt over all threads (enforces -t 1)
   -4 / -6   use IPv4 (default) / IPv6 addresses (put always in [] also in -M)
   -v / -V / -d  verbose mode / show login+pass for each attempt / debug mode 
   -O        use old SSL v2 and v3
   -q        do not print messages about connection errors
   -U        service module usage details
   -h        more command line options (COMPLETE HELP)
   server    the target: DNS, IP or (this OR the -M option)
   service   the service to crack (see below for supported protocols)
   OPT       some service modules support additional input (-U for module help)
 Supported services: adam6500 asterisk cisco cisco-enable cvs firebird ftp ftps http[s]-{head|get|post} http[s]-{get|post}-form http-proxy http-proxy-urlenum icq imap[s] irc ldap2[s] ldap3[-{cram|digest}md5][s] mssql mysql nntp oracle-listener oracle-sid pcanywhere pcnfs pop3[s] postgres radmin2 rdp redis rexec rlogin rpcap rsh rtsp s7-300 sip smb smtp[s] smtp-enum snmp socks5 ssh sshkey svn teamspeak telnet[s] vmauthd vnc xmpp
 Hydra is a tool to guess/crack valid login/password pairs. Licensed under AGPL
 v3.0. The newest version is always available at http://www.thc.org/thc-hydra
 Don't use in military or secret service organizations, or for illegal purposes.
 These services were not compiled in: afp ncp oracle sapr3.
 Use HYDRA_PROXY_HTTP or HYDRA_PROXY environment variables for a proxy setup.
 E.g. % export HYDRA_PROXY=socks5://l:p@ (or: socks4:// connect://)
      % export HYDRA_PROXY=connect_and_socks_proxylist.txt  (up to 64 entries)
      % export HYDRA_PROXY_HTTP=http://login:pass@proxy:8080
      % export HYDRA_PROXY_HTTP=proxylist.txt  (up to 64 entries)
   hydra -l user -P passlist.txt
   hydra -L userlist.txt -p defaultpw imap://
   hydra -C defaults.txt -6 pop3s://[2001:db8::1]:143/TLS:DIGEST-MD5
   hydra -l admin -p password ftp://[]/
   hydra -L logins.txt -P pws.txt -M targets.txt ssh