Vim highlight search, when enabled, will highlight all the positive results with yellow. This can make it easy to see where all the results are on a page.
Replace string with the email address, or domain you want to search for and delete. Note that -A1 may not be needed. Grep will just search for string and 1 line after it. I had a problem with the string I was wanting to use was on the line below it will either need to be in the same directory as adb, or you can specify the path. For example if it is located on your Desktop you can use
Open up the following file, change eth0 to your primary ethernet adapter. More info here.
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
and under IPADDR set it to the new IP. Update netmask and gateway if needed.
Save file and restart network
systemctl restart network
Update License
You may need to run the following to update the license on the server.
Change Server IP in WebHost Manager
Change IP for server in Basic WebHost Manager Setup
Other things to do
You may need to migrate IP’s to the new address. If you are keeping the old address on the server, then you may need to readd it through the IP Functions.
Had a problem with a WHM/cPanel server where it was working fine from a couple different networks, but then would not work on others. The server itself seemed fine and fully operational.
Checked firewall rules on routers, server, checked IP routes, tried disabling cPHulk. Ended up being there were a couple addresses added with the incorrect subnet mask which was keeping it from working. Removed the IP’s with the wrong subnet and it started working on all networks.