You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity.
Looks like you can get the above error resolved by adding the following to the Android Manifest file.
You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity.
Looks like you can get the above error resolved by adding the following to the Android Manifest file.
First you’ll need to install the remi repo
sudo wget sudo wget rpm -Uvh remi-release-7.rpm epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
You’ll need to install yum-utils, disable all old php versions, and enable the remi-php74
sudo yum install -y yum-utils sudo yum-config-manager --disable remi-php56 sudo yum-config-manager --disable remi-php71 sudo yum-config-manager --disable remi-php72 sudo yum-config-manager --disable remi-php73 sudo yum-config-manager --enable remi-php74
If you run into issues you may want to see if you have the webtatic repo installed. I had to disable it to get php to update.
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/webtatic
[webtatic] name=Webtatic Repository EL7 - $basearch baseurl=$basearch/ mirrorlist=$basearch/mirrorlist failovermethod=priority enabled=0 <- Disabled by changing to a 0 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-webtatic-el7
And running the yum update should update it to php 7.4
sudo yum update
More information available here.
All of the emails in the email directories contain one of the following at the end of the filename
$ ls cur/ | cut -d: -f 2 | sort | uniq -c 54 2, <- Not Read 12 2,ab <- Not Read 83 2,S <- Read 61 2,Sab <- Read
The first two “2, and 2,ab” mean that the message has not been read. The bottom 2 “2,S and s,Sab” mean that the message has been read or “seen?”. Guess that is what the S is for. Not sure what ab is for.
In cPanel a users email files are stored in
There is a hidden linked shortcut in
Spam Assassin settings are stored in
Email Logs
More information available at the following link
Train Spam from Junk email directories for email account. Replace USER with the domain admin username, DOMAIN.TLD with domain name, and ACCOUNT with the email address.
/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/sa-learn -p /home/USER/.spamassassin/user_prefs --spam /home/USER/mail/DOMAIN.TLD/.ACCOUNT@DOMAIN.TLD/.Junk/{cur,new}
You can use the following script to feed sa-learn ham. The script looks at all the read messages for the current year in the default inbox and then feeds them individually to sa-learn
cd /home/USER/mail/ for emailHam in `ls -lt --time-style=long-iso {cur/,new/} | grep $(date | awk '{print $6}') | grep "2,S" | awk '{print $8}'` do /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/sa-learn -p /home/${cpanelUser}/.spamassassin/user_prefs --ham ${mailbox}/{cur,new}/${emailHam} done
You can use the following script to automatically train sa-learn. Create the script and then use Crontab to launch it.
Create a file named and add the following contents to it.
#!/bin/bash # Notes on cpanel mail # - /home/cpanel_user/mail <- Default mail directory, all the email accounts are located in the directory, although there are hidden files in here that point to that. # - the default catch all is in ..../mail dateYear=`date +%Y` echo "Starting Training" for mailbox in `cat mailboxes.txt`; do cd ${mailbox} echo "training on Ham" for ${mailbox} cpanelUser=`echo ${mailbox} | cut -d\/ -f3` # Check Spam echo "Trainging on Spam, SPAM, spam, junk, Junk Email, and Junk folders" /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/sa-learn -p /home/${cpanelUser}/.spamassassin/user_prefs --spam ${mailbox}/{".Junk Email"/{new/,cur/},.Junk/{new/,cur/},.junk/{new/,cur/},.spam/{new/,cur/},.Spam/{new/,cur/},.SPAM/{new/,cur/}} cd # Gets a list of seen messages for the current year to use as Ham for emailHam in `ls -lt --time-style=long-iso {cur/,new/} | grep $(date | awk '{print $6}') | grep "2,S" | awk '{print $8}'` do /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/sa-learn -p /home/${cpanelUser}/.spamassassin/user_prefs --ham ${mailbox}/{cur,new}/${emailHam} done done
You’ll need to create a file called mailboxes.txt and put the email paths for the email accounts you want to run sa-learn against. The following is an example of what the file should look like.
/home/incredigeek/mail/.bob@incredigeek_com/ /home/incredigeek/mail/.larry@incredigeek_com/ /home/incredigeek/mail/.steve@incredigeek_com/ /home/incredigeek/mail/.admin@incredigeek_com/
Add script to cron by running
crontab -e
and paste in the following to launch the script every day at 1AM
0 1 * * * /root/ train && echo "training run at $(date)" >> /root/email_report.log
Save and you should be ready to go.
The Problem
We have been experiencing a problem with our Cambium routers where they randomly drop and are unresponsive till a reboot. They’ll also stop handing out addresses on the LAN side.
A reboot “fixes” the problem, until it does it again. You can trigger the behavior by running a port scan against the router. Wondering if the CPU/Memory get overloaded?
nmap -T4 -A -v
While running a scan on the LAN side, the web interface slows down, but doesn’t seem to take it down as fast as a scan on the WAN side. is a script that may be maxing out the cpu, but could be completely unrelated.
Configuring the “Allowed Remote IP(IP1;IP2;)” to limit WAN access effectively blocks port scans and resolves the issue. Setting is under Administration -> Management -> Web Settings. You can add multiple ranges with;;
It looks like the public ip ranges are limited to /24’s so if you you have a block of public IP addresses larger than a /24, you’ll need to break it down into 24’s to work properly.
You can also create a template in the Cambium Cloud so you can apply the change to multiple routers fairly easily.
Go to Configuration -> Templates and add a new template.
And then you can go to your device -> Configuration and apply your new config.
Do note that if you run a scan from an allowed range, it still seems to cause problems. But at least setting the Allowed Remote IPs will keep others from scanning your network and causing problems on your R195’s.
Example output
/dev/xvdb1: UUID="42fbe9a1-eea1-34bc-439d-19a0b48e7df1" TYPE="xfs"
Mount drive using the UUID
[root@host ~]# mount -U 42fbe9a1-eea1-34bc-439d-19a0b48e7df1 /mnt
Add to fstab to automatically mount on system boot up
vi /etc/fstab
Add the following, swap out the UUID for your devices UUID
UUID="42fbe9a1-eea1-34bc-439d-19a0b48e7df1" /backup xfs defaults 0 0
Save and exit. Now when the system reboots it should automatically mount the drive. You should also be able to call “mount -a” to automatically mount everything in fstab.
Looks like Default SSH port is 27149
Runs Quagga
CELL> show version Quagga 0.99.21 (). Copyright 1996-2005 Kunihiro Ishiguro, et al.
show network config
CELL> enable CELL# show network % Command incomplete. CELL# show network config network.loopback=interface network.loopback.ifname='lo' network.loopback.proto='static' network.loopback.ipaddr='' network.loopback.netmask='' network.lan=interface network.lan.proto='static' network.lan.ipaddr='' network.lan.netmask='' network.lan.mtu='1496' network.lan.ifname='eth2.3' network.wan=interface network.wan.ifname='eth2''copper' network.wan.proto='dhcp' network.defRouteIf=defRouteIf network.defRouteIf.defRouteIf='wan' CELL#
CELL# show user User Permission State --------------------------------- admin admin unlocked anonymous admin unlocked --------------------------------- CELL#
User commands
CELL# user USERNAME User name add Add user delete Delete user lock User lock role User role unlock User unlock CELL# user
SSH into LibreNMS server
ssh user@librenms-server
cd into the LibreNMS directory
cd /opt/librenms
Rename host
sudo ./renamehost.php old-hostname new-hostname
Note you can use IP addresses if the device is using that as the host name
sudo ./renamehost.php 192.168.2
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val textBoxVar: TextView = findViewById( textBoxVar.text = "Hello World!"
val buttonVar: Button = findViewById( buttonVar.setOnClickListener { buttonVar.text = "Button Pushed..." //Change text on button }
val text = "Hello World! This is a toast message!" val duration = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT val toast = Toast.makeText(applicationContext, text, duration)