Mikrotik DHCP Scripts

The purpose of these scripts is to update the local DHCP lease table with a remote IP Address Management (IPAM) system.

Scheduler Script

This little script is added to the scheduler and goes through the entire DHCP lease table and uploads each MAC address and IP address pair to a website.

Change out the top three variables. May also need to change out the URL depending on how the website receives data.

:local url "upload.incredigeek.com"
:local username "myapiuser"
:local password "passwordforapiuserwebsite"

:foreach i in=[find] do={ :put ([get $i address]." ".[get $i mac-address])
:local ipaddress ([get $i address])
:local macaddress ([get $i mac-address])
/tool fetch url="https://$url/api/v1/network/ipam/dynamic_ip_assignment?ip_address=$ipaddress&mac_address=$macaddress&expired=0" mode=https keep-result=no user=$username password=$password
:delay 1s;

DHCP Script

This script is to be used on the DHCP server script. Can add it by going to DHCP Server -> DHCP -> Double Click Server -> Script

Any time a new DHCP lease is obtained, this script is fired. Note that some of the variables like $leaseBound are specific to the script being used by the “DHCP server”

Also helpful to note that the script only runs if a new lease is obtained, or a lease expires and it disappears from the leases page. A DHCP renew does not trigger the script.

:local username "myapiuser"
:global password "myapipassword"
:global url "upload.incredigeek.com"

# The maximum retries
:local max 60
:local attempts 0
:local success 0
:do {
  :set attempts ($attempts+1);
  :if ($leaseBound = 0) do {
    :do {
      /tool fetch url="https://$url/api/v1/network/ipam/dynamic_ip_assignment?ip_address=$leaseActIP&mac_address=$leaseActMAC&expired=1" mode=https keep-result=no user=$username password=$password
      :set success 1;
    } on-error={
      :log error "DHCP FAILED to send unassignment to $url on attempt $attempts out of $max for $leaseActMAC / $leaseActIP";
      :delay 10s;
  } else {
    :delay 1s;
    # see note below
    :local remoteID [/ip dhcp-server lease get [find where address=$leaseActIP] agent-remote-id];
    :do {
      /tool fetch url="https://$url/api/v1/network/ipam/dynamic_ip_assignment?ip_address=$leaseActIP&mac_address=$leaseActMAC&expired=0" mode=https keep-result=no user=$username password=$password
      :set success 1;
    } on-error={
      :log error "DHCP FAILED to send assignment to $url on attempt $attempts out of $max for $leaseActMAC / $leaseActIP";
      :delay 10s;
  :if ($success) do {
    :log info "DHCP lease message successfully sent $leaseActMAC / $leaseActIP to $url";
    :set attempts $max;  # break out of the do..while loop
} while ( $attempts < $max )

Send Post Webhook Message to Teams from Mikrotik RouterOS

The following is the correct syntax needed to send a message to Microsoft Teams from a Mikrotik router. You will need a valid Teams webhook to send to.

Change “Test Message” out for your message. You should receive a “status: finished” response.

/tool fetch http-method=post http-header-field="Content-Type: application/json" http-data="{\"text\": \"Test Message\"}" url=https://domain.webhook.office.com/webhook/long/string


Redirect website HTTP to HTTPS using the .htaccess file

The following can be added to the .htaccess file to redirect all http request to https.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off  
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]

RewriteEngine On – Allows the rewrite capabilities. If it was off, the last rule “RewriteRule” would not work.
RewriteCond – This is a conditional that says if the current request is using HTTPS, don’t rewrite. If this option was not here, we would get an infinite redirect loop.
RewriteRule – This is the actual rule that rewrites or redirects any HTTP request to HTTPS. the R=301 means that it redirects using a 301 status code.

The following links provide more detail and info on htaccess redirects.



Running tcpdump on Ubiquiti Airmax Equipment

Ubiquiti Airmax gear has tcpdump included. We can easily use it to capture packets to a file and then use SCP from the device to copy the file for analysis.

SSH to the device

ssh ubnt@
cd /tmp/

Start tcpdump with the following command. Change ath0 and file.cap to the appropriate interface and file name.

tcpdump -i ath0 -w file.cap

After we are done collecting, we can quit with ctrl + c

Now we can use scp or sftp to copy the files off. There is an issue using scp or sftp from a normal Linux machine to the radio, fails with a “sh: /usr/libexec/sftp-server: not found”. It works fine if you initiate scp from the radio.

scp /tmp/file.cap username@remoteip:~/

Raspberry Pi – Blink Light – Python

A Simple Python script to blink a Raspberry Pi LED.

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from time import sleep

GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)  # Uses the physical pin numbering
GPIO.setup(7, initial=GPIO.LOW)  # Set GPIO pin to off

while True:
    GPIO.output(7, GPIO.HIGH)
    GPIO.output(7, GPIO.LOW)

Change pin numbers as needed.

We can also do this with BASH.

Control LED using BASH

Recover Password out of FileZillla Site Manager

Open up FileZilla, for to the Site Manager, right click on the entry you want, and export it. This will export all the settings for the site(s).

Once exported, open the XML file. Look for the Pass encoding field. Copy the base64 encoded password. Its the text highlighted in yellow. Yours should be longer.

FileZilla Base64 Encoded Password

Decode base64 encoded password. We can do this using the built in linux base64 utility. You can use also use python.

echo -n dWJudA== | base64 -d && echo ""

Result returns the password which is “ubnt”

Install Chia Madmax plotter on RedHat/CentOS/Fedora

Installing Madmax plotter on Fedora/CentOS8/AlmaLinux etc is fairly easy, but doesn’t have instructions on the GitHub page for CentOS 8 or later.

Install dependencies

First we need to install the following dependencies

sudo dnf install gmp-devel libsodium libsodium-static 

Install MadMax

Now we can proceed to install Madmax like normal.

git clone https://github.com/madMAx43v3r/chia-plotter 
cd chia-plotter 
git submodule update --init 
bash make_release.sh 
sudo mv build/chia_plot /usr/bin 

Run Madmax with

chia_plot --help


VirtualBox – Failed to acquire the VirtualBox COM object.

VirtualBox failed to acquire the VirtualBox COM object.

Under the Details it was complaining about VirtualBox.xml

Looking in Windows Explorer in the .VirtualBox folder


it shows that the VirtualBox.xml file being empty. Delete the file. Reinstall VirtualBox. Now go to your VM’s in

C:\Users\Username\VirtualBox VMs

Open up the VM folder and double click on the “Virtual Machine Definition” file to “reimport” them into VirtualBox.

Hardening SSH on Mikrotik Routers

Here are the commands you’ll need to harden SSH on your Mikrotik Routers. It looks like it still can use SSH-RSA, but it does get rid of most of the weaker crytpo algorithms.

/ip/ssh/set strong-crypto=yes allow-none-crypto=no always-allow-password-login=no host-key-size=4096

We’ll want to regenerate the Host Key now that the settings have been changed.


It will prompt to enter [y/N] to confirm that you actually want to regenerate the host key. Hit y

After your done, you can use something like ssh-audit to check your equipment.

Further hardening information is available at the following link.