What do you do when all your devices disappear from the web interface?
Everything still appears to be working. Alerts work.
Running a MySQL command to check if the devices are in the database returns all the devices
mysql -u librenms -p librenms -e 'use librenms ; select hostname,sysName,status from devices where status=1'
If we try going to /addhost we are greeted with an Error You have insuffecient permissions to view this page.
Running ./validate.php returns everything good
Potentially it could be an issue with SElinux or with Apache/NGinx
audit2why < /var/log/audit/audit.log
Doesn’t return anything
No errors pop up in the Logs
Could be something happened with the LibreNMS user.
Test a different LibreNMS user and all the devices show up.
We’ve now isolated the issue to being something with out user.