You need to
- Upload WordPress Backup Files to server
- Restore WordPress Backup
- Restore Database Backup
If you need to backup your site then you can use this how to here
1. Upload WordPress Backup Files to server
Use your favorite ftp client(FileZilla?) to upload the MySQL database and WordPress files to the server. If they are already there skip to step 2.
In Linux you can use the ftp or sftp command.
sftp me@myserverip
once you connected you can upload your backups using put.
put wp-backup.tgz
put wp-database.sql.gz
2. Restore the WordPress Files
This is super easy because all you have to do is untar the files. Make sure the file is in the directory that you want WordPress in.
tar -zxvf wp-backup.tgz
3. Restore Database Backup
If your MySQL backup is zipped, unzip it.
gunzip wp-database.sql.gz
We need to create a database to import our backup. You can change wp_database to what ever you want.
mysql -u username -p mysql> CREATE DATABASE wp_database;
Import database
mysql -u username -p wp_database < wp-database.sql
You should now have a fully functioning WordPress site.