Log into your Zenoss server via ssh.
ssh root@zenossserver
Create working direcotry
mkdir /tmp/zenpack && cd /tmp/zenpack/
Now upload the ZenPack to “/tmp/zenpack/” on your Zenoss server with your favorite ftp tool.
Stop the Zenoss service
serviced service stop zenoss.core
Restart the services needed to import the ZenPack i.e. the following.
ZooKeeper mariadb RabbitMQ redis zeneventserver Zope
You can start all of them with the following commands
serviced service start ZooKeeper serviced service start mariadb serviced service start RabbitMQ serviced service start redis serviced service start zeneventserver serviced service start Zope
Install ZenPack with the following command
serviced service run zope zenpack install ZenPack.xxx.xxx.egg
Restart Zenoss
serviced service restart zenoss.core
Log into Zenoss and make sure that it is working right.