Check for backdoored version of xz (CVE-2024-3094) (Ansible/Bash)

Info on the xc backdoor

Kostas on Twitter posted a helpful one-liner to check the xz version without running the actual command.

Versions 5.6.0 and 5.6.1 are backdoored.

Bash one liner

The following Bash commands were taken and modified from the above Twitter link

Here is a one liner that will check the version of xz binaries and return if they are safe or vulnerable. You’ll need to run this in a Bash shell. May have issues in sh.

for xz_p in $(type -a xz | awk '{print $NF}' ); do  if ( strings "$xz_p" | grep "xz (XZ Utils)" | grep '5.6.0\|5.6.1' ); then echo $xz_p Vulnerable; else echo $xz_p Safe ; fi ; done 

Ansible Playbooks

Here are two different Ansible Playbooks to check if the xz package(s) are backdoored.

This one uses the above Bash commands to check the xz binaries.

Ansible Playbook to Check xz Backdoor
--- - name: Check if XZ tools are compromised # hosts: all tasks: - name: Run Bash command shell : for xz_p in $(type -a xz | awk '{print $NF}' ); do if ( strings "$xz_p" | grep "xz (XZ Utils)" | grep '5.6.0\|5.6.1' ); then echo $xz_p Vulnerable!; else echo $xz_p Safe ; fi ; done args: executable: /bin/bash register: result - name: Show output ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "{{ result.stdout_lines }}"

The following playbook uses the package manager to check the xz version. On RHEL/Fedora this is the xc package. On Debian/Ubuntu, it is part of the liblzma5 package.

Ansible Playbook to Check xz Backdoor using package manager
--- - name: Check if XZ tools are compromised hosts: all tasks: - name: Collect package info ansible.builtin.package_facts: manager: auto - name: Check if liblzma5 is vulnerable (Ubuntu/Debian) ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "Installed version of liblzma5/xz: {{ ansible_facts.packages['liblzma5'] | map(attribute='version') | join(', ') }} Vulnerable!" when: ('liblzma5' in ansible_facts.packages) and (ansible_facts.packages['liblzma5'][0].version.split('-')[0] is version('5.6.0', '==') or ansible_facts.packages['liblzma5'][0].version.split('-')[0] is version('5.6.1', '==')) - name: Check if xz is vulnerable (RHEL/Fedora/Rocky/Alma) ansible.builtin.debug: msg: "Installed version of xz: {{ ansible_facts.packages['xz'] | map(attribute='version') | join(', ') }} is vulnerable" when: ('xz' in ansible_facts.packages) and (ansible_facts.packages['xz'][0].version is version('5.6.0', '==') or ansible_facts.packages['xz'][0].version is version('5.6.1', '=='))

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