Add a Button/Change Menu Item Color to WordPress Menu Bar

The following article was helpful in getting started adding a button to the WordPress menu bar.

Modifying a Menu Item on a WordPress theme is not too difficult. The basic steps are

  1. Add Menu Item
  2. Add CSS Class to specific menu item
  3. Customize the new CSS class by using the Additional CSS Options

Add Menu Item

Add or customize a menu item by going to Appearance -> Menu

Add a CSS Class to Menu Item

You can add a CSS class to an existing menu item, or you can create a new menu item.

  1. Create Menu Item
  2. Select Screen Options
  3. Enable CSS Classes. (Needed for the next step)
  4. Under the Menu option, set a CSS class. (Name it something unique so it doesn’t interfere with other CSS classes. We’ll configure the CSS in the next step)

Customize CSS

Now we can setup and customize the CSS class by going to Appearance -> Customize

Now find where the “Additional CSS” setting is. If it is not under the main list, try looking under “Advanced”. The Additional CSS editor page should look like the following.

Once there, add all the CSS you want to change color, padding, etc.

You can make it look like a button by adding things like

border-radius: 5px;
padding: 0.5rem;
margin: 0.2rem;

Check out the following link for more info about buttons.

Access Denied “You don’t have permission to access …”

Sometimes you can get the following error while trying to access some sites.

Access Denied while trying to access website

It looks like these errors are from Akamai or other CDN’s

Why is Akamai blocking me?

Why is Akamai blocking me? Part 2 & 3

Client Reputation Lookup

Akamai says they don’t block you, but the site can use tools and policies which could block you. To resolve the issue you should contact the web site owner and see if you can get unblocked and potentially get more details.

You can try doing a whois on the website domain to find the contact email.

Export Saved Firefox logins

Enable Dev Tools

Open up a new tab, go to about:config. Search for “” and set to true

Enable Firefox Devtools Browser Console

Now open up the Browser Console with “Ctrl + Shift + J” and past in the following

try {
  signons = Services.logins.getAllLogins();
  var csv = '"Site","Username","Password"';
  for (var i=0; i<signons.length; i++){
    csv += '\n';
    csv += signons[i].httpRealm ? 
      ('"' + signons[i].hostname + ' (' + signons[i].httpRealm + ')","') : 
      '"' + signons[i].hostname + '","';
    csv += signons[i].username + '","' + signons[i].password + '"';
} catch (err) {
  console.log('Problem reading or outputting logins: '+err);
Browser Console, Running Script

Hit enter to run the command and return all the saved logins. You can copy and paste them, or export to file.

Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute

Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute

Looks like you can get the above error sometimes if you close out your tab too quickly, or there is some sort of plugin problem. Looks like you can resolve it by deleting the “.maintenance”

More info here

Using wget to download HTML website

Replace with the website you want to download files from.

wget -r -np -k

The above command will download all the files it can find in that web directory, i.e. (html files) This can be helpful if your trying to move a simple HTML site.

The -r option means recursive, the -k option converts the links to local links after it downloads the page.

HTML redirect to website

Change “” to the website you would like to redirect to. Put the code in a index.html or index.php file. If you stick it in the root website directory it’ll redirect automatically get called when you hit the website.

<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content=0"; url=">

Check Access Logs for website

Typically on a cPanel host your access logs are kept in


Where username is your cPanel username and is your website.

To view the logs you can use tail -f to follow the log.

tail -f /usr/local/apache/domlogs/username/

You can also use grep to search the logs.

grep "text to search" /usr/local/apache/domlogs/username/

Reset WordPress admin password in MySQL

Log into MySQL from command line

mysql -u root -p

Select the correct database

USE wordpress_db;

Print current users

SELECT * FROM wp_users;

Should get something similar to the following

mysql> SELECT * FROM wp_users
-> ;
| ID | user_login | user_pass | user_nicename | user_email | user_url | user_registered | user_activation_key | user_status | display_name |
| 1 | admin | 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99 | admin | | | 2018-08-09 10:10:42 | | 0 | admin |
| 2 | bob | 210805fb52a13251f4bedc7e725e575a | bob | | | 2019-11-01 11:31:23 | | 0 | bob smith |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

To update the password use

UPDATE wp_users SET user_pass = MD5('NewPass') WHERE ID=1;

The MD5 hashes the NewPass and adds it to the database. You can print the users again to verify the hash changed.

You should now be able to login using the new password you configure.