Open up FileZilla, for to the Site Manager, right click on the entry you want, and export it. This will export all the settings for the site(s).
Once exported, open the XML file. Look for the Pass encoding field. Copy the base64 encoded password. Its the text highlighted in yellow. Yours should be longer.
Decode base64 encoded password. We can do this using the built in linux base64 utility. You can use also use python.
Here are the commands you’ll need to harden SSH on your Mikrotik Routers. It looks like it still can use SSH-RSA, but it does get rid of most of the weaker crytpo algorithms.
Note that “mymodule.pp” will replace any previous “mymodule.pp”. If your needing to create multiple modules/allow multiple exceptions, you can change the name of each module.
You can also add the rules together then manually compile it. Refer to the first link for more details.
Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting or AAA is an framework that allows access to a computer network/resource,
Authentication identifies the user. It’s from the Greek authentikos “real, genuine”. We can think of it as proving the identity of the user. Bob sits down at the computer and types in his password (Something he knows) and confirms that he is in fact Bob.
Authorization is the privileges that the user has to the system. For instance, Bob is now authenticated to the computer, but he may only be authorized to access email and a web browser.
Authorization and Authentication can get confusing. In simple terms
Authentication – Who are you?
Authorization – What you have access to.
Accounting is the auditing or logging arm of AAA. It is for answering the 5 Ws Who did what, when, where, and how. For instance, accounting could log that Bob checked his email at 9:30AM, Improved his mind by reading posts on for a couple hours, then checked email again before shutting the computer down.
Hopefully that is a short helpful explanation of AAA. For more information, check out the following links.
The Network Miner tool is a handy little utility that works great on Windows. It sorta works on Linux. Doesn’t appear to be able to read the traffic coming off the interface, but you can drag and drop a pcap file on it. You can export a pcap file from wireshark, but it needs to be a pcap, not the newer default pcap Wireshark defaults to. Can change it in the “Save as:”
WARNING: META-INF/xxx.version not protected by signature...
Sounds like this can be expected and is a common thing. The certificate is stored in META-INF which means that other files stored in META-INF are not protected. Most of the files in that directory are only version numbers of libraries the app depends on. There shouldn’t be anything important so shouldn’t be a security concern.
Getting around applications that strip directory traversal sequences
Using a null byte
Directory Traversal
What exactly is directory traversal anyway? Well, it is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. We traverse directories by manipulate the file path, for something like an image, to get something more valuable like the passwd file.
In it’s most basic form, we can add ../../../../../etc/passwd to a file path and instead of pulling an image, we get the passwd file.
For instance, if we load an image on a website, it’s file path on the server may be something like /var/www/html/image.png. If we right click on an image and open in a new tab and inspect the URL, we can see this path. “Note: Web servers have a root directory for all the website files. Generally web files’ root starts there not / root of the machine.”
Now if we remove image.png and replace it with ../ (../ on Linux/macOS or ..\ on Windows) we’ll go backwards one directory. String them together and we can go back to the root of the drive. Then we can add /etc/passwd (Or replace with whatever file we want) and load the contents of that file.
Most web applications should have some sort of protections in place to guard against directory traversal. Let’s go over a few ways to get around it.
URL Encoding
URL encoding sometimes can work and is simple to do. In Burp, select the file path, right click, Convert selection -> URL -> URL-encode all characters.
You can also try double encoding. Encode once, select the encoded text and encode again.
In the above screenshots, ../../etc/passwd becomes “%25%32%65%25%32%65%25%32%66%25%32%65%25%32%65%25%32%66%25%36%35%25%37%34%25%36%33%25%32%66%25%37%30%25%36%31%25%37%33%25%37%33%25%37%37%25%36%34”
Getting around applications that strip directory traversal sequences
Sometimes the web app can strip out text that it knows is directory traversal characters/sequences. For instance, it sees ../ in the requested url and just strips it out.
We can do something like the following sequence to get around it.
That is 4 periods, followed by 2 slashes. What happens is the web app reads the URL, goes hey ../ is not allowed, bye bye! Removes the two instances of ../ and forwards the URL on. Which ends up being
Which is just perfect for our use case.
Using a Null Byte
If the application is using the file extension to validate that an image or other file is loaded, instead of say passwd, we can try using a null byte. A null byte is used to terminate a string.
What can end up happening is the web application sees the .png or .jpg at the end and goes “oh that is a valid extension, carry on” and then the system reads the line and sees the null byte and says “Oh null byte! end of file path, here is your file.”
It can be common for older devices to throw errors like the following when trying to ssh into them.
Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa
The issue is that your version of SSH does not support those older, and most likely insecure, Key Exchange and Host Key algorithms types. The errors do give us enough info to add the right options to connect to the device.
No Matching Key Exchange Method Found
For the “no matching key exchange method found.” we need to manually add the KexAlgorithms option. KexAlgorithms means Key Exchange Algorithm.
Interesting bits are bolded. Our destination port it 22 “ssh” and our source address is If I want this IP to access the server, I’ll need to add the IP range in the allowed IP ranges.
Disable Logging (Optional)
After you have finished troubleshooting your problem, you may want to turn the logging feature off so you don’t fill up the logs with failed entries.
You can turn it off with
sudo firewall-cmd --set-log-denied=off
We can verify that logging is off by running
sudo firewall-cmd --get-log-denied
If the firewall logging option is off it will return “off”
The following site has some more information and alternative ways