SELinux Audit Commands and Links

You can install audit2why by installing the policycoreutils package

sudo dnf install policycoreutils-python-utils

Show what and why something is failing

audit2why < /var/log/audit/audit.log

Search with ausearch

ausearch -m avc --start recent

Create and apply a module to fix the failure

This creates two files, a .pp and .te. The .pp is the compiled version of the .te

audit2allow -M mymodule < /var/log/audit/audit.log
semodule -i mymodule.pp

Note that “mymodule.pp” will replace any previous “mymodule.pp”. If your needing to create multiple modules/allow multiple exceptions, you can change the name of each module.

You can also add the rules together then manually compile it. Refer to the first link for more details.

Links with more info

Error Starting Peertube “no such file or directory, open ‘/var/www/peertube/storage/tmp/plugins-global.css”

systemctl status peertube shows the following error.

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘/var/www/peertube/storage/tmp/plugins-global.css’

Looks like an error because the global.css file is not there. You can temporarily fix the issue by creating the file.

su peertube
touch /var/www/peertube/storage/tmp/plugins-global.css

Probably an issue with a plugin being installed or something of the sort.

Setting up RRDReST on CentOS 8 or AlmaLinux 9

There are some differences on setting up RRDReST on CentOS 8, Almalinux 9 vs CentOS 7

If you are setting this up to use with LibreNMS and Grafana, check out the rest of the this article.

Installing RRDReST

All the docker commands have been swapped out for podman.

  1. Install Docker
  2. Create a compose file
  3. Run compose file to create container

Install docker

Podman is default on CentOS 8 and later and is, for the most part, a drop in replacement for Docker.

sudo yum install -y podman podman-compose
sudo systemctl enable podman

Create a Podman / Docker network to use. We’ll use this to assign a static IP address to the container. We’ll call the network rrdnet, and we’ll use the range.

sudo podman network create --subnet= rrdnet

Create podman-compose file

Create a docker compose file

vi podman-compose.yml

Add the following

version: "3.5"
    image: michaelwadman/rrdrest:latest
    container_name: rrdrest
    restart: always
      - "/opt/librenms/rrd:/opt/librenms/rrd:Z"
      - TZ=America/Denver
          driver: default
            - subnet:
    external: true

Change the TZ to your time zone. If you have issues with the graphs, most likely something is off with the time zone between this container and Grafana/LibreNMS server

Note that the :Z is needed for SELinux to allow RRDReST to access the sub folders. AKA. the rrd files.

The container should have a IP address. You can take all the networking sections out, and the container will receive DHCP. The problem is that the IP can change, breaking our graphs in Grafana.

Run RRDReST Container

Save the file. Then start and setup the container with

sudo podman-compose up -d

You will need your docker container IP address to setup the connection in Grafana. If you used the above docker-compose config, then it should be

sudo docker exec -it rrdrest ip addr | grep eth0

Configure RRDRest to start on system boot with systemd

The “restart: always” option does not appear to work on systems with podman. We can create a systemd service instead.

Use the following command to automatically create a systemd file.

sudo podman generate systemd rrdrest

Copy the contents to a new file in /etc/systemd/system/


If you end up deleting the rrdrest container, you’ll need to update the systemd file again. You may need also need to run “systemctl daemon-reload”

Enable the new service with

systemctl enable rrdrest

Congratulations. RRDReST is now setup and running.

You can verify it’s running by checking with Podman / Docker.

sudo podman ps

You can also ping it


Dual Zones in Firewalld (Public/Private or External/Internal)

In Firewalld we can use multiple zones for different types of traffic. For instance, we can setup an “internal” zone with our local IP addresses that are trusted, and then setup the public facing interface to the “drop” or “block” zone to block everything not from our internal network.

  1. Setup trusted IP addresses in the “internal” zone
  2. Configure services/ports that should be allowed on our “internal” zone
  3. Set “drop” zone as the default for all other traffic
  4. Reload firewall

1. Setup trusted IP addresses in “internal” zone

Add all of our trusted IP addresses to the internal zone. The following example adds all of the private IP addresses “RFC 1918” to the internal zone. Change as needed.

firewall-cmd --zone=internal --add-source= --add-source= --add-source= --permanent

2. Configure services/ports that should be allowed on our “internal” zone

Next we need to specify which services or ports should be accessible in our trusted zone.

Here is an example to allow https, ssh, and cockpit services

firewall-cmd --zone=internal --add-service=https --add-service=ssh --add-service=cockpit --permanent 

Here is an example to allow port 8080 tcp

firewall-cmd --zone=internal --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent

3. Set “drop” zone as the default for all other traffic

The final configuration piece we need to do is set the default zone. Anything not specified in other zones will get processed by the default zone.

firewall-cmd --set-default-zone=drop

The drop zone drops everything.

4. Reload firewall

Reload the firewall with

firewall-cmd --reload

Verifying changes

Let’s verify the changes with the firewall-cmd –get-active-zones command

# firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
  interfaces: en0

You can also use

firewall-cmd --list-all-zones

to list all the zones. Active zones show (active) next to them.

You can verify that your changes worked by doing an internal and external nmap scan.

If you have issues with services still being accessible from the outside, try disabling Network Manager for that specific interface

You can edit the ifcfg-eth0 file and add


Invalid privacy protocol specified after -3x flag: DES

With REHL 9 and AlmaLinux 9 and presumably other RedHat derivative, DES is no longer available for net-snmp communication. DES or Data Encryption Standard is an old encryption standard and has been superseded by AES.

So when you try running snmpwalk with “-x DES” option, you get the following error

Invalid privacy protocol specified after -3x flag: DES

  Version:  5.9.1

To fix the issue, you’ll need to upgrade your devices to AES.

Installing Basic Linux tools on AlmaLinux 9 (tar, wget, htop)

The local team wizard Mark, ran into some issues while trying to setup a system with AlmaLinux 9. Tar wasn’t installed! What?! No worries. We can solve this by just installing tar with dnf. While we are at it, lets install some other helpful utilities.

sudo dnf install -y tar wget htop

Tada! We are back in business.

CentOS – This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can use subscription-manager to register.

If you are getting the following response when trying to use the yum or dnf command,

This system is not registered with an entitlement server. You can use subscription-manager to register.

Try editing the subscription-manager.conf file, and disable it by changing enable=1 to enable=0

sudo nano /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/subscription-manager.conf

After you may run

yum clean

That should take care of the problem.

Peertube – Change Video Settings/Channels from Command Line

Since Peertube uses a Postgres database, we can log in and manually do bulk changes to videos. Things like updating a channel ID, Category, or Privacy can all be easily changed and it is easy to do bulk changes.

Access the Database

Login as the peertube user via ssh

ssh peertube@peertube-ip

Connect to postgres

psql peertube_prod

View videos

select * from video;

There is a bit much information, lets clean it up a bit

select name,category,id,"channelId" from video;

View all the channels. The id field is the channelId that is used in the above video table.

select id,name from "videoChannel";

Change video channel

update video set "channelId" = 100 where id = 123;

Replace 100 with the actual channelId and 123 with the id of the video. Can use the above commands to find that info.

Change Privacy Settings

The privacy settings are what determine if a video is Public, Private etc.

The following command can update the privacy setting for a video

update video set privacy = 3 where id = 101;

There are 4 privacy settings. Change 3 to one of the following.

1 = Public
2 = Unlisted
3 = Private
4 = Internal

Change 101 to the video id you want to change.

You can change the privacy settings for all videos in a channel with something like the following

update video set privacy = 4 where "channelId" = 100;

RSTP Alternative Port vs Backup Port

The following is some basic info on STP and RSTP. This list is not comprehensive. Refer to the link at the bottom of the page for more in depth details.

RSTP Priority

Default Priority is 32768 + VLAN ID

For example, if we are using vlan 10, then our default priority is 32768 + 10 = 32778

RSTP Priority can be set from 0 – 61440 in increments of 4096.

RSTP Port Roles

Ports can fill 1 of 4 roles.

Port RoleDescription
Root PortPort closest to the Root Bridge (Switches going to the Root switch)
Designated PortPorts going away from the Root Bridge (To clients)
Alternate PortA “backup” port for the Root port. If the Root Port fails, this port takes over
Backup PortEssentially a backup port for the designated port
RSTP Port Roles

RSTP Port States

A port can be in one of 3 states. Well technically 4 states if you include down/unplugged.

Port StateDescription
DiscardingPort discards packets (Alternate and Backup Ports)
LearningPort learns MACs and doesn’t forward data
ForwardingPort forwards data and learns MACs
RSTP Port States

RSTP Port Types

There are 3 port Types. Not to be confused with port States or Roles.

Port TypeDescription
Point to PointSwitch to Switch
Point to Point EdgeEdge of Network. Connected to a PC, Printer etc.
SharedHalf Duplex, Port connected to a Hub
STP/RSTP Port Types

RSTP Timers

There are three RSTP timers. STP has the same timers, but the MaxAge is 10 seconds, and the Forward Delay is used for both Learning and Listening states which takes a total of 30 seconds to complete.

Timer NameDefault ValueDescription
Hello Timer2 SecondsTime between Hellos created by Root
MaxAge6 Seconds (Hello Timer * 3)How long a Switch should wait before trying to readjust the network
Forward Delay15 SecondsDelay used for Learning/Listening in STP. Shouldn’t be necessary if legacy bridges are not used.

Port Cost

There are technically two types of cost. The newer cost values were introduced so we could use faster ethernet speeds.

By default Cisco switches use the old cost values, but they can be changed to use the new ones.

spanning-tree pathcost method long
Ethernet SpeedOld CostNew Cost
10 Mbps1002,000,000
100 Mbps19200,000
1 Gbps420,000
10 Gbps22000
100 GbpsN/A200
1 TbpsN/A20
STP/RSTP Path Cost

More information can be found at the following link.