List Snapshots
service snapshot list
Roll back to snapshot
serviced snapshot rollback SNAPSHOT --force-restart
List Snapshots
service snapshot list
Roll back to snapshot
serviced snapshot rollback SNAPSHOT --force-restart
This is just a quick write on the hosts.allow and deny files. You can lookup “spawn” and/or “twist” for some advanced usage.
So to limit an IP address, or a IP range access to SSH, do the following
Deny all incoming request for SSH
Edit the “hosts.deny” file
vi /etc/hosts.deny
add the following line
sshd : ALL
Now edit “hosts.allow” and allow the client IP, or IP range to access SSH
vi /etc/hosts.allow
add the following line to allow a single IP
sshd :
If you want to allow the whole subnet, then replace the above line with this one
sshd : 192.168.1.
hosts.allow overrides hosts.deny. So you deny everything and then allow exceptions.
The following is some commands to try and troubleshoot RabbitMQ not starting in Zenoss 5.
Connecting to the RabbitMQ container
serviced service attach $(serviced service list | grep -i rabbitmq | awk '{print $2}')
Check the service
You can check the RabbitMQ service by running “rabbitmqctl status”
[root@764399e5hhba /]# rabbitmqctl status Status of node rabbit@rbt0 ... Error: unable to connect to node rabbit@rbt0: nodedown DIAGNOSTICS =========== attempted to contact: [rabbit@rbt0] rabbit@rbt0: * unable to connect to epmd (port 4369) on rbt0: nxdomain (non-existing domain) current node details: - node name: rabbitmqct22222@764399e5hhba - home dir: /var/lib/rabbitmq - cookie hash: yy3+awwOpeaaaa12wdf42ff== [root@764399e5hhba /]#
As you can see the node is down so RabbitMQ is not able to start.
Try to ping rbt0 (RabbitMQ connects to rbt0 so if it can’t resolve, then it can’t start)
ping rbt0
If you get a “ping: unknown host rbt0” then add the following to /etc/hosts. Change the IP address to the IP address of the container. You can run “ip addr” or ifconfig to get the IP. rbt0
Or if your interface is eth0, you can run this command.
echo "$(ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet " | awk '{print $2}') rbt0" >> /etc/hosts
Then run “rabbitmqctl status” again. The service auto starts, so it may take a minute, but you should see something similar to the following. (Not that I cut some of the text out.)
[root@764399e5hhba /]# rabbitmqctl status Status of node rabbit@rbt0 ... [{pid,4629}, {running_applications, ... CUT TEXT ... {uptime,5}] ...done. [root@764399e5hhba /]#
Checking vhost
List the RabbitMQ vhosts with “rabbitmqcl list_vhosts”
[root@764399e5hhba /]# rabbitmqctl list_vhosts Listing vhosts ... / /zenoss ...done.
If you run rabbitmqctl list_vhosts and don’t see /zenoss, then add it
rabbitmqctl add_vhost /zenoss rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /zenoss zenoss '.*' '.*' '.*'
If the vhost is up then you can try deleting the zenoss vhosts and readding it.
[root@764399e5hhba /]# rabbitmqctl delete_vhost /zenoss rabbitmqctl add_vhost /zenoss rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /zenoss zenoss '.*' '.*' '.*'
The only downside to theses changes is that once the service gets restarted the changes you made inside the container will be lost, There should be a way to update the container so that the changes are persistent.
Install Mysql
yum install mariadb mariadb-client mariadb-server freeradius-mysql
Setup MySQL database.
mysql -u root -p CREATE DATABASE radius; GRANT ALL ON radius.* TO radius@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "RadiusPassword"; exit
Import the schema.sql file into the db.
mysql -u radius -p radius < /etc/raddb/mods-config/sql/main/mysql/schema.sql
Should be good to go.
Quick look at the commands. Skip below to view the explanation of the commands
ssh cd ~/ wget tar zxvf latest.tar.gz vi wordpress/wp-config.php <-- Edit MySQL settings mv -R wordpress/ /var/www/html/ exit steve@localhost ~: chrome
SSH into your webserver
Download the latest version of WordPress
cd ~/ && wget
Extract the WordPress archive
tar zxvf latest.tar.gz
Create MySQL database and user
Refer to here if you want to do it from the command line. The recommended way is through your web control panel i.e. cPanel, Plesk, EHCP etc.
Edit wp-config.php
Enter in the DB information.
vi wordpress/wp-config.php
Move WordPress files to web directory
mv -R wordpress/* /path/to/webdir
If you want to install WordPress inside a sub directory on your website i.e. instead of going to “” to access your WordPress site, you go to “”, then create a sub directory in your root web directory and move the WordPress files there.
Open up a browser and go to your website ( to finish the WordPress installation.
Here is a quick script I created to automate copying a ssh key to multiple remote servers.
Basic command – the command uses sshpass to upload the ssh key to a remote server, this allows you to execute the command and not have to enter in a password to authenticate.
sshpass -p password ssh-copy-id -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no admin@remotehost
#!/bin/bash remotehosts="$1" username="admin" password="MyCoolPassword123" for host in `cat ${remotehosts}` do sshpass -p${password} ssh-copy-id -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${username}@${host} echo "Uploaded key to " ${host} done echo "Finished!"
Using the script
chmod +x
./ hostlist.txt
wget chmod +x sed -i s/admin/bob/g <-- Change username - you can just manually edit the file, sed -i s/MyCoolPassword123/password/g <-- Change password - it might be easier than using sed echo "" >> host.txt <-- Add to the host list echo "Bob" >> host.txt <-- Add hostname bob to host list ./ host.txt <-- Upload ssh key to all host's in the host file i.e. "bob" and ""
Install kernel headers, dkms, etc
dnf -y kernel-headers kernel-devel dkms gcc gcc-c++
Reboot the VM
Mount the Guest Additions by going to menu > Devices > Insert Guest Additions CD image… or you can hit “Host + D”.
The Host key is typically the Right Ctrl(On Windows) or CMD(On OS X) key.
Via the GUI
Mount the Guest Additions from your file browser, and then launch the “”.
You will need root privileges, so either launch your file browser as root, or drag and drop the “”, into a root terminal and hit Enter.
Via Command Line
mkdir /tmp/vbox sudo mount /dev/cdrom /tmp/vbox sudo /tmp/vbox/
If you run into any errors, try ejecting, and remounting the Guest Additions cd.
There are multiple ways to view log files, here are some common ways.
tail the log, shows the 10 most recent log entries.
tail /var/log/messages
tail the log and keep monitoring it for new entries.
tail -f /var/log/messages
Find specific info in log file
cat /var/log/messages | grep texttosearch
cPanel Log Paths
Main log
Access logs
Access logs for a specific domain
Account Transfers/miscellaneous logs
Auditing Log (Account creation and deletions)
Backup Logs
DNSAdmin, DNS Clustering
Task Queue Processing Daemon
Easy Apache Build logs
Error logs
/usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log /var/log/cpanel
License log
local database modifications
Login errors CPSRVD
Bandwidth History
Service Status Logs
Tailwatch log
Update Analysis Reporting
Update log UPCP
cPanel Email Logs
Horde log
Squirrel Mail
Panic log
Delivery and receipt log
Incoming mail queue
Log of messages rejected based on ACLS or other policies
Unexpected/Fatal error log
IMAP, POP login attempts, transactions, fatal errors and spam scoring
MySQL error log
MySQL slow query log (if enabled in my.cnf)
Log into your Zenoss server via ssh.
ssh root@zenossserver
Create working direcotry
mkdir /tmp/zenpack && cd /tmp/zenpack/
Now upload the ZenPack to “/tmp/zenpack/” on your Zenoss server with your favorite ftp tool.
Stop the Zenoss service
serviced service stop zenoss.core
Restart the services needed to import the ZenPack i.e. the following.
ZooKeeper mariadb RabbitMQ redis zeneventserver Zope
You can start all of them with the following commands
serviced service start ZooKeeper serviced service start mariadb serviced service start RabbitMQ serviced service start redis serviced service start zeneventserver serviced service start Zope
Install ZenPack with the following command
serviced service run zope zenpack install
Restart Zenoss
serviced service restart zenoss.core
Log into Zenoss and make sure that it is working right.
The following command basically does the same thing as wget. This can come in handy since OS X and some linux distros do not ship with wget by default.
curl -O -L
The two options do the following
-O, –remote-name Write output to a file named as the remote file
-L, –location Follow redirects (H)