Secure Erase Hard Drive using DD

The following commands are dangerous! Proceed with caution!

Change /dev/sdX to your drive. Make sure you get the correct drive, or you could wipe you main system.

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=1M status=progress

The status=progress part shows how much dd has writen. Helpful to gauge how far along it is.

If you want a more secure way to erase the drive, change zero to random. Makes it slower, but should be more secure.

dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sdX bs=1M status=progres

Side note, these commands should work in macOS, but you may need to drop the status=progress option.

Install dig on Ubuntu, Debian or Kali Linux

install dig
Help options for dig

Dig is a DNS lookup utility.  It is included in most Linux distributions by default, but if it isn’t you can easily install dig with the following command.

The dig utility is apart of the dnsutils package

sudo apt-get install dnsutils -y

After it is installed, we can verify that it is working with

dig -v

For more information on how to use dig, refer to the following link.

The following is copied and pasted from the dig man page.

       dig - DNS lookup utility

       dig [@server] [-b address] [-c class] [-f filename] [-k filename] [-m] [-p port#] [-q name]
           [-t type] [-v] [-x addr] [-y [hmac:]name:key] [[-4] | [-6]] [name] [type] [class]

       dig [-h]

       dig [global-queryopt...] [query...]

       dig is a flexible tool for interrogating DNS name servers. It performs DNS lookups and
       displays the answers that are returned from the name server(s) that were queried. Most DNS
       administrators use dig to troubleshoot DNS problems because of its flexibility, ease of use
       and clarity of output. Other lookup tools tend to have less functionality than dig.

       Although dig is normally used with command-line arguments, it also has a batch mode of
       operation for reading lookup requests from a file. A brief summary of its command-line
       arguments and options is printed when the -h option is given. Unlike earlier versions, the
       BIND 9 implementation of dig allows multiple lookups to be issued from the command line.

       Unless it is told to query a specific name server, dig will try each of the servers listed
       in /etc/resolv.conf. If no usable server addresses are found, dig will send the query to the
       local host.

       When no command line arguments or options are given, dig will perform an NS query for "."
       (the root).

       It is possible to set per-user defaults for dig via ${HOME}/.digrc. This file is read and
       any options in it are applied before the command line arguments. The -r option disables this
       feature, for scripts that need predictable behaviour.

       The IN and CH class names overlap with the IN and CH top level domain names. Either use the
       -t and -c options to specify the type and class, use the -q the specify the domain name, or
       use "IN." and "CH." when looking up these top level domains.

       A typical invocation of dig looks like:

            dig @server name type


           is the name or IP address of the name server to query. This can be an IPv4 address in
           dotted-decimal notation or an IPv6 address in colon-delimited notation. When the
           supplied server argument is a hostname, dig resolves that name before querying that name

           If no server argument is provided, dig consults /etc/resolv.conf; if an address is found
           there, it queries the name server at that address. If either of the -4 or -6 options are
           in use, then only addresses for the corresponding transport will be tried. If no usable
           addresses are found, dig will send the query to the local host. The reply from the name
           server that responds is displayed.

           is the name of the resource record that is to be looked up.

           indicates what type of query is required — ANY, A, MX, SIG, etc.  type can be any valid
           query type. If no type argument is supplied, dig will perform a lookup for an A record.


semanage Allow and Delete ports in CentOS

The commands are for CentOS, but should work on Fedora and RedHat.

If semanage is not installed refer to here.

You would typically use this along with the systems firewall to allow a port through.  Guide for firewalld and iptables.  If you change it in the firewall and fail to add/edit it in semanage you can potentially get weird behavior like sshd not wanting to start after changing the port.

Add port

semanage port -a -t ssh_port_t -p tcp 2222

The above command allows the sshd service to start, using port 2222.

List allowed ports

semanage port -l

You can use grep to filter the results


[admin@localhost ~]# semanage port -l | grep ssh
ssh_port_t tcp 2222, 22
[admin@localhost ~]#

Delete port

semanage port -d -p tcp 2222

Other examples

Allow SNMP

semanage port -a -t snmp_port_t -p udp 161


Install Hashcat Utils

Hashcat - Kali Linux

Hashcat on Kali Linux

Here is a quick way to download and install the Hashcat utils.

Download the Hashcat utils


Run the following commands to unzip and make the binaries

cd hashcat-utils-master/src

You can now convert an aircrack file by invoking the cap2hccapx binary

./cap2hccapx.bin /path/to/aircrack.cap /path/for/output

Check out the following article for more details on converting Aircrack files to Hashcat hccapx

Need to install Hashcat on Fedora?

Parted resizing notes

Launch parted with the following command.  Specify the disk you want to modify.  In this case /dev/sda.

sudo parted /dev/sda

Print partition and available free space.  If you just run print, it will not show you the available free space.

(parted) print free

You can resize, or rather extend a partition using the “resizepart” command inside parted.  Command syntax is as follows

(parted) resizepart PartitionNumber End

Example: Resize partition 1 to 30GB.  Note you’ll need to specify the end part with the GB, otherwise, you’ll be shrinking the partition or making a mess…  You can see what space is available with the “print free” command above

(parted) resizepart 1 30GB

After you have run the resizepart in parted, you’ll need to grow the filesystem, so run one of the following commands from the local shell.

resize2fs /dev/sda1

Or for XFS partitions

xfs_growfs /dev/sda1

You can check the partition size with

df -h


sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda

Setup Secure FTP server on CentOS

Setup SFTP Server

When finished you’ll have a SFTP server setup that is configured so the users are in a chroot environment, and can not ssh, or telnet to the server.

Install SSH server if it is not already

yum install openssh-server openssh-client

Create group that is limited to sftp so they can’t ssh, scp etc.

groupadd sftpusers

Add chroot settings to /etc/ssh/sshd_config.  The %u is a variable, which is the users username.

Match Group sftpusers
ChrootDirectory /sftp/%u
ForceCommand internal-sftp

Make ftp directory

mkdir /sftp

Add SFTP user

useradd -g sftpusers -d /sftp -s /sbin/nologin newsftpuser

Create password for new user

passwd newsftpuser

Create directory for user

mkdir /sftp/newsftpuser

Create directory to put ftp files

mkdir /sftp/newsftpuser/files

Change permissions

chown newsftpuser:sftpusers /sftp/newsftpuser/files/

Restart sshd

systemctl restart sshd

Should be good to go.  Test it by logging in with your favorite FTP client.