With support for DES being dropped, you may be faced with having to upgrade device settings to AES. In this post we’ll explore changing the settings in LibreNMS for all Mikrotik devices and then touch on making changes to a group of Mikrotik devices.
Upgrading SNMP Settings for Devices in LibreNMS
In LibreNMS, we can go to Device -> Device Settings (Gear on the right hand side) -> SNMP, to set the SNMP settings for that device.
Since this would get rather boring to change on multiple devices, and these settings are all in a MySQL database, we can skip using the mouse and use a few MySQL commands to update multiple devices at once.
Log into the LibreNMS server over ssh and then connect to the MySQL database
mysql -u librenms -p librenms
First we can get a list of all the devices (Mikrotik routers in this example) and show the hostname with the SNMP authentication and cryptography algorithms.
select hostname,authalgo,cryptoalgo from devices where os="routeros";
Now if we want to update the cryptography settings for all of our Mikorotik devices, we can do the following.
update devices cryptoalgo set cryptoalgo="AES" where os="routeros";
This will set all of the devices to use AES for the cryptography algorithm.
We can also change the authentication algorithm to SHA with this
update devices authalgo set authalgo="SHA" where os="routeros";
LibreNMS update device SNMP settings
Bulk updating of Network Devices
The bottom “script” can be used for changing SNMP settings on multiple Mikrotik devices.
Create a mikrotik.lst file with all the IP addresses of all the devices you need to update. Can you use the above MySQL commands to get a list from LibreNMS.
Change the following options in the script
routerpassword to the Mikrotik password
admin to your username
encryptionpassword to your SNMP encryption password
authpassword to your authentication password
addresses= to the list of IP addresses that should be able to access SNMP info on the mikrotik device. AKA your LibreNMS server.
SNMPname to your SNMP username
for ip in `cat mikrotik.lst`
echo $ip
timeout 15 sshpass -p 'routerpassword' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no admin@${ip} -p1022 '/snmp community set addresses= authentication-protocol=SHA1 authentication-password=authpassword encryption-protocol=AES encryption-password=encryptionpassword security=private read-access=yes write-access=no SNMPname'
Copy and paste the above “code” in a shell script file.
In the post, we’ll be adding a custom OID for a Ubiquiti Solar Charge Controller.
Find the device OID
Add the Custom OID in LibreNMS
Check the graph
Find the custom OID
Check out the following post if you are trying to add a Ubiquiti Solar Charge controller graph to LibreNMS. Otherwise you may need to do some googling around looking for the OID.
Go to your device -> Settings(Little Gear) -> Custom OID -> +Add New OID
Adding Custom OID in LibreNMS for Ubiquiti UI Charge Controller
Couple notes about the information. – There needs to be a 0 after the end of the OID. – Data Type needs to be Gauge, Not Counter. A gauge can go up and down. A counter just counts up.
Hit “Test OID” and you should get a little notification saying it got a value for the OID. In this case 25572.
Test Custom OID in LibreNMS for Ubiquiti UI Charge Controller
Now Hit “Save OID”
Check the Graph
Now LibreNMS should start graphing our Custom OID. You may need to give it a minute to start showing data.
The graphs show up under Graphs -> Custom OID
Where are Custom OID Graphs?LibreNMS Custom OID Graph
Create docker compose file with the following options
vi docker-compose.yml
Change the TZ to your time zone. If you have issues with the graphs, most likely something is off with the time zone between this container and Grafana/LibreNMS server
A note on SSL/TLS certificates. If you have an SSL certificate for LibreNMS, you can use it for grafana. If you run into issues, try copying the cert (fullchain.pem, privkey.pem) to /etc/grafana/
In Grafana, go to Configuration -> Data Sources -> Add data source
Set Name for Data Source
URL should be https://your_librenms_url/api/v0
Add Custom HTTP Header
Header field should be “X-Auth-Token”
Value field should contain the API token we created in LibreNMS
Save and Test If you receive any errors, refer to the Troubleshooting part at the end.
Adding LibreNMS API Data Source in Grafana
Add RRDReST Data Source
In Grafana, go to Configuration -> Data Sources -> Add data source
Set Name for Data Source
URL needs to be your docker container IP address (Steps above)
Save and Test (Should return “Unprocessable Entity”)
Adding RRDReST API Data Source in Grafana
Import Dashboard into Grafana
Now we need a dashboard to present our data.
Go to Create -> Import
Upload JSON file (Download from here or PasteBin )
Under RRDReST API , select our RRDReST Data Source
Under LibreNMS API , select our LibreNMS Data Source
Click Import
You should now be able to view your dashboard and use the drop down menus to select devices
Grafana viewing bandwidth on device being monitored by LibreNMS
There were a couple of issues I ran into while trying to get everything working together.
RRDReST shows 404 Not Found
Issue: When trying to run RRDReST with uvicorn, I was never able to access the rrd files, even the test rrd files that are included when installing RRDReST. I am guessing it is either a permisions issue, or something unable to access the files. Work around: Install RRDReST via Docker container.
Error Running uvicorn RRDReST
Error Adding LibreNMS API
Issue: Get a “JSON API: Bad Request” when trying to set up the LibreNMS API Data Source in Grafana.
Work around: Install a valid SSL Certificate and set up a DNS record so you can access LibreNMS at librenms.yourdomain.com.
More info: I would assume that “Skip TLS Verify” would work with or without a valid certificate, but it would not work for me. There are potentially some other options with modifying how Nginx or Apache is set up that would get this working. If you setup Grafana to use a SSL certificate, you may need to copy the certificate files (fullchain.pem, privkey.pem) to /etc/grafana/ and run “chown root:grafana *.pem” to let grafana have access to the files.
Running the ./validate.php script returns the following error
[FAIL] Python3 module issue found: 'Required packages: ['PyMySQL!=1.0.0', 'python-dotenv', 'redis>=3.0', 'setuptools', 'psutil>=5.6.0', 'command_runner>=1.3.0']
Package not found: The 'command_runner>=1.3.0' distribution was not found and is required by the application
pip3 install -r /opt/librenms/requirements.txt
Running the [FIX] throws an error saying gcc failed with exit status 1.
The Solution
Fortunately this issue is easy to resolve.
First we need to install python3-devel
sudo yum install python3-devel
Next, as the librenms user, run the pip command to install the requirements.
Sometimes it is nice to have a list of just the IP addresses and the hostname or mac address. Can be especially helpful when you are trying to get a list of devices to do a bulk update in LibreNMS. Helpful LibreNMS links for renaming and showing down devices
we are going to run the command to pull the DHCP information and then use Unix utilities to parse the data out.
Replace dhcp8 with the correct dhcp server in the mikrotik.
First, SSH into your Mikrotik router.
ssh user@mikrotik
Next we’ll want to go to the ip dhcp-server lease directory
/ip dhcp-server lease
Now we can run the following command to loop through and pull out all the info we need. You can change the info like “mac-address” for something like “status”. You can use Tab to see what options are available. Just delete mac-address and hit tab twice.
Recently I started getting the following error while running ./validate.php.
$ sudo -u librenms ./validate.php
Component | Version
--------- | -------
LibreNMS | 21.8.0-41-g0a76ca4
DB Schema | 2021_08_26_093522_config_value_to_medium_text (217)
PHP | 7.4.20
Python | 3.6.8
MySQL | 10.5.10-MariaDB
RRDTool | 1.4.8
[OK] Composer Version: 2.1.6
[OK] Dependencies up-to-date.
[OK] Database connection successful
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (notifications/datetime)
[FAIL] Database: incorrect column (users/created_at)
[FAIL] We have detected that your database schema may be wrong, please report the following to us on Discord (https://t.libren.ms/discord) or the community site (https://t.libren.ms/5gscd):
Run the following SQL statements to fix.
SQL Statements:
SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00';
ALTER TABLE `notifications` CHANGE `datetime` `datetime` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '1970-01-02 00:00:00' ;
ALTER TABLE `users` CHANGE `created_at` `created_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '1970-01-02 00:00:01' ;
Reading online it sounds like some of the recent changes are causing the issue. Looks fairly easy to resolve though.
First we’ll need to get a MySQL prompt. We’ll do that by running
mysql -u librenms -p librenms
It’ll ask use for the librenms user’s mysql password.
Once we have the MySQL prompt we can just copy and paste the commands in.
SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00';
ALTER TABLE `notifications` CHANGE `datetime` `datetime` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '1970-01-02 00:00:00' ;
ALTER TABLE `users` CHANGE `created_at` `created_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '1970-01-02 00:00:01' ;
Type ‘quit’ to exit MySQL and lets run the validate script again.
The above error can be resolved by dropping the port_groups table in mysql. You may double check that there is no information in the table. I checked this instance and it didn’t have any data in the table so I dropped it with
drop table port_groups;
I then ran the lnms command again and it created the table and started migrating.
LibreNMS stores all it’s files in /opt/librenms
Quick and easy way to back up the LibreNMS files is to use tar.
tar zcvf librenms_backup.tgz /opt/librenms
Migrating Database
I believe you can copy the whole /var/lib/mysql directory. Should be able to use the above command. If not you can do a mysqldump and then import it on the new system.
Started getting the following error while running ./validate.php for LibreNMS
Cannot load Zend OPcache - it was already loaded
Looks like the problem arises out of PHP trying to load two ini files for OPcache. Was trying to enable OPcache for LibreNMS so I created an opcache.ini file and put the settings in it. I missed the default 10-opcache.ini file.
Moving all the settings into the 10-opcache.ini file and deleting the created opcache.ini file resolved the issue for me.