Email Account Sending out spam while Suspended – cPanel

When you suspend an account in cPanel, the users password, in “/home/ACCOUNT/etc/”, gets two exclamation marks prepended to the password hash. This means that the hash of a password from a user trying to login will not match what is in the shadow file effectively blocking the login.

Screenshot showing cPanel email account suspended.

However, there is an option that allows an admin to sign into all email accounts for a domain. The option is in WHM and called “Mail authentication via domain owner password”. It is under “Tweak Settings -> Mail”.

Screenshot showing Mail authentication via domain owner password setting.

If this option is enabled, then the admin, or an attacker that has compromised the admin password, can continue to login and send mail as a user.

A lot of email spam attacks appear to be automated. So if the admin password was weak and some hacker is using it to send spam, there is a good chance they don’t know it is the admin password. They just want to send out emails. Update the admin password, check and make sure the system is secure and monitor.

Exim Troubleshooting Email Logs

The following is a great article explaining the main Exim log.

The following are some helpful tips from the post.

Search log by email address

You can search for specific addresses with the exigrep. Replace email@address with the email address of interest.

exigrep email@address /var/log/exim_mainlog

Message Direction

Looking at entries in the main log, some of the messages will have an indicator from the following table that tell us the status of the message and/or where it came from or went.

<=Indicates the arrival of a message to Exim for handling
=>Shows a normal message delivery
->Additional address for the same delivery, i.e. an Email forwarder.
>>cutthrough is a router precondition
This option requests delivery be attempted while the item is being received. It is usable in the RCPT ACL and valid only for single-recipient mails forwarded from one SMTP connection to another. If a recipient-verify callout connection is requested in the same ACL it is held open and used for the data, otherwise one is made after the ACL completes.
*>delivery suppressed by -N
**delivery failed; address bounced
==delivery deferred; temporary problem
<>For “<>” from the exim manual; Additionally, you will often find A bounce message is shown with the sender address “<>”, and if it is locally generated, this is followed by an item of the form
R=<message id>

Some other posts that may be helpful while troubleshooting mail deliveries.

View messages by ID

Bulk Delete Messages in Queue

Adding Email Disclaimer for Entire Domain on WHM/cPanel

Email Disclaimer

Altermime is a small utility that allows you to append a disclaimer to all outbound emails on a cPanel server.

1. Installing altermime

You should be able to copy and paste the following commands in. You’ll need to be root.

cd /usr/local/src/ 
tar xvfz altermime-0.3.10.tar.gz 
cd altermime-0.3.10 
make install

2. Setup Disclaimer Text

Create two disclaimer files. One is text and the other is for HTML.

Text file

nano /usr/local/etc/exim/textdisclaimer

Add your disclaimer text.



Create the HTML disclaimer file with

nano /usr/local/etc/exim/htmldisclaimer

And add your disclaimer HTML to the file. Example:

<br />
  <a href=""> </a>

3. Modify Exim Configuration

Now that we have the disclaimer files set up, we can move on to configuring Exim so the disclaimer text gets added to every email sent out.

Open up WHM and go to Exim Configuration Editor -> Advanced Editor

Exim Advanced Editor

A. Configuring Routers Configuration

Find the ROUTERS CONFIGURATION section. We will add some configuration in the “Section: PREROUTERS

Add disclaimer to Single Domain

Paste in the following to add the disclaimer to a single domain. Replace “” with your domain.

driver = dnslookup
domains = ! +local_domains
transport = ${if eq {$sender_address_domain}{}{disclaimer_smtp}{remote_smtp}}
Add Disclaimer to Single Domain

Add Disclaimer to Entire Server (Optional)

If you would rather apply the disclaimer to the entire server, use the following.

driver = dnslookup
domains = ! +local_domains
transport = disclaimer_smtp
Add Disclaimer to Entire Server

B. Configure Transports Configuration

Once we have that added we can find the “TRANSPORTS CONFIGURATION” section and under the first “Section: TRANSPORTSTART” add

driver = smtp
transport_filter = /usr/local/bin/altermime  --input=- --disclaimer=/usr/local/etc/exim/textdisclaimer --disclaimer-html=/usr/local/etc/exim/htmldisclaimer
size_addition = 1
Add Disclaimer to TRANSPOTSTART

That should be everything that you need. Send a test email to an external email account to verify that it works.

Note that it looks like sending an email locally to email addresses on the same domain or to yourself bypass the filter and do not get the disclaimer added.

The following links were helpful for getting this set up.

Troubleshooting Backup Errors on WHM / cPanel

Below are some helpful locations of files, logs etc for troubleshooting backup errors on WHM

WHM backup logs
Change date to the correct date. Should be one log per day or I guess every time a backup runs.


View WHM backup config

cat /var/cpanel/backups/config

View WHM remote destination config(s)
Replace *** with the appropriate name.

cat /var/cpanel/backups/***.backup_destination file

May need to modify this file to increase time out limits if you are having issues with time out errors for backups.


This link has some more info

Unable to prune transport Rsync Incremental Backup – WHM/cPanel

For some reason I keep getting an alert about the transport failing to prune the incremental backups. Shows “ssh slave failed: timed out”

Going to the backup server shows that the directories have been pruned. This makes the alert a bit confusing.

It appears that others are experiencing the same problem.

You can check the backup log to see if it gives you any errors or ideas on what the problem is. Replace {currentdate} with the date of the log file you want.


One thing to try is to increase the time out on the

In WHM, go to Backup -> Backup Configuration -> Additional Destinations -> Your Destination
Scroll down to the bottom and enter a higher timeout value

Setting cPanel remote transport timeout

One user said they patched the file. Looks like there may be a 30 second timeout for rsync, so maybe increasing that would help.


How To tell if an email on a cPanel server has been read from the command line

All of the emails in the email directories contain one of the following at the end of the filename

$ ls cur/ | cut -d: -f 2 | sort | uniq -c
54 2,               <- Not Read
12 2,ab             <- Not Read
83 2,S              <- Read
61 2,Sab            <- Read

The first two “2, and 2,ab” mean that the message has not been read. The bottom 2 “2,S and s,Sab” mean that the message has been read or “seen?”. Guess that is what the S is for. Not sure what ab is for.

Using SA-Learn to improve spam filtering in cPanel

More information available at the following link

Training on Spam

Train Spam from Junk email directories for email account. Replace USER with the domain admin username, DOMAIN.TLD with domain name, and ACCOUNT with the email address.

/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/sa-learn -p /home/USER/.spamassassin/user_prefs --spam /home/USER/mail/DOMAIN.TLD/.ACCOUNT@DOMAIN.TLD/.Junk/{cur,new}

Use read emails in inbox as Ham

You can use the following script to feed sa-learn ham. The script looks at all the read messages for the current year in the default inbox and then feeds them individually to sa-learn

cd /home/USER/mail/
for emailHam in `ls -lt --time-style=long-iso {cur/,new/} | grep $(date | awk '{print $6}') | grep "2,S" | awk '{print $8}'`
/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/sa-learn -p /home/${cpanelUser}/.spamassassin/user_prefs --ham ${mailbox}/{cur,new}/${emailHam}

Script to automate the process

You can use the following script to automatically train sa-learn. Create the script and then use Crontab to launch it.


Create a file named and add the following contents to it.


# Notes on cpanel mail
# - /home/cpanel_user/mail <- Default mail directory, all the email accounts are located in the directory, although there are hidden files in here that point to that.
# - the default catch all is in ..../mail

dateYear=`date +%Y`

echo "Starting Training"
for mailbox in `cat mailboxes.txt`; do
        cd ${mailbox}
        echo "training on Ham" for ${mailbox}
        cpanelUser=`echo ${mailbox} | cut -d\/ -f3`
        # Check Spam
        echo "Trainging on Spam, SPAM, spam, junk, Junk Email, and Junk folders"
        /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/sa-learn -p /home/${cpanelUser}/.spamassassin/user_prefs --spam ${mailbox}/{".Junk Email"/{new/,cur/},.Junk/{new/,cur/},.junk/{new/,cur/},.spam/{new/,cur/},.Spam/{new/,cur/},.SPAM/{new/,cur/}}
        # Gets a list of seen messages for the current year to use as Ham
        for emailHam in `ls -lt --time-style=long-iso {cur/,new/} |  grep $(date | awk '{print $6}') | grep "2,S" | awk '{print $8}'`
            /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/sa-learn -p /home/${cpanelUser}/.spamassassin/user_prefs --ham ${mailbox}/{cur,new}/${emailHam}

Create text file to hold mailbox paths

You’ll need to create a file called mailboxes.txt and put the email paths for the email accounts you want to run sa-learn against. The following is an example of what the file should look like.


Create Crontab

Add script to cron by running

crontab -e

and paste in the following to launch the script every day at 1AM

0 1 * * * /root/ train && echo "training run at $(date)" >> /root/email_report.log

Save and you should be ready to go.