Add ADB path to Windows Environment Variables

From the start menu search for “Edit environment variables for your account”

Click Path and then Edit.

Edit Environment Variables

Then click new and paste in the path to the ADB directory which should be


And hit OK

Adding ADB path

You should be good now. You’ll need to relaunch and Command Prompts you have open, but you should be able to run adb without having to navigate to the adb folder.

You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity.

You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity.

Looks like you can get the above error resolved by adding the following to the Android Manifest file.


Kotlin – Buttons and TextViews

Set Text for text view

val textBoxVar: TextView = findViewById(
textBoxVar.text = "Hello World!"

Button clicked – do something

val buttonVar: Button = findViewById(
buttonVar.setOnClickListener {
    buttonVar.text = "Button Pushed..."  //Change text on button


Toast notification

val text = "Hello World! This is a toast message!"
val duration = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT
val toast = Toast.makeText(applicationContext, text, duration)

Changing Boot Animation over adb on Android Things

You’ll need to install and setup adb and then run the following commands. Change ipaddress to the ip address of the device running Android Things

adb connect ipaddress
adb root
adb remount
adb push /system/media/
adb reboot will either need to be in the same directory as adb, or you can specify the path. For example if it is located on your Desktop you can use

For Windows

adb push \Users\username\Desktop\ /system/media/

on Linux or MacOS

adb push ~/Desktop/ /system/media/

Installing Android Things on Raspberry Pi 3 B+

Download the Console Tools from the following link. You will need to sign into your Google account.

Unzip the file and Launch the correct utility for your OS.

On Windows you will need to launch as administrator by right clicking on the Windows Application and Run as administrator.

Run as administrator

The program is easy to follow along with and automatically downloads and creates the SD card for the Pi.

After you are finished, put the card in the Pi and boot it up.

Turn 3.5mm Jack on Raspberry Pi Running LineageOS 16

You will need an Android Terminal. You can turn on the default one in the developer settings. Need to turn on developer mode?

You will also need to enable root which can also be done in the Developer settings

Open up the terminal app and run


More info here

Install Factory Android Image on Pixel 1

Note: Some of these notes were saved in a draft and going off of memory. May not be entirely complete.

Basic Steps

Basic steps to flash the factory Android image back onto a Google Pixel 1

  • Boot into the boot menu.
  • Select recovery
  • Select Apply update from ADB
  • Sideload the OTA image downloaded below
  • Reboot and resetup

Downloading OTA image

You can download the full OTA image from

TWRP – ADB Sideload

Go to and download the correct version TWRP for your device.

Boot into boot loader menu

Plug you phone into a computer that has fastboot installed and run

sudo fastboot boot Downloads/twrp-3.3.0-0-sailfish.img

Note you may need to unlock your boot loader.

Your phone should now boot up into TWRP

Boot into TWRP

Swipe to Allow Modifications

Select Advanced

Select advanced

Then hit ADB Sideload.

Swipe to start the sideload and then sideload from your computer

adb sideload

More detailed explaination