Ubiquiti AirMax – Set radio to use DHCP from command line

Gain access to radio via ssh

ssh ubnt@

open up the /tmp/system.cfg

vi /tmp/system.cfg

Delete the following line. To move the cursor to the following line and type “dd” and vi will delete the whole line.


Add the following 5 lines. Hit “i” to enter vi insert mode.
br0 should be correct interface in most scenarios.


Save the file by hitting esc and then “:wq” followed by Return/Enter

Save the config changes and reboot the radio so it pulls an address.

/usr/etc/rc.d/rc.softrestart save && reboot

VirtualBox window and menu scaling/text incorrect

Sometimes the scaling can be wrong on a VM if you plug in a different monitor. You can fix the issue by opening up the location of the VirtualBox executable, right click on it, go to properties > Compatabiltiy > Enable Program DPI > Set to DPI to the Display of my main display when “I open this program”

Save by hitting OK

“C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox”

Failed to acquire the VirtualBox COM object.

It appears that the issue could be a corrupt VirtualBox.xml file. The one I had did not have anything in it. Removing or moving the file let it create a new one and let VirtualBox actually start.

mv ~/.config/VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml{,old}

Only problem is that none of the VM’s showed up. Was able to go to the ~/VirtualBox folder in a file browser and launch the vbox file to start the VM

Where is the Trash in KDE?

Where are the trash files stored?

The file location for the trash is in the following directory


Inside there are two folders. info and files.
info – Keeps track of what was deleted and where it was
files – Contains the actual files

Delete the files in the Trash

  • First delete the file in the “info” directory
  • Then go delete the files in the “files” directory

To delete the files, select the files then press “Shift + Del”
or right click, hold Shift down and select Delete.

OpenDroneMap – Process drone images

Install docker

sudo apt install docker

Create a new folder for OpenDroneMap to use

mkdir ODM 
cd ODM
mkdir images

Put all your drone images in the new images directory

Run command to process images.

sudo docker run -ti --rm -v ./ODM:/datasets/code opendronemap/odm --project-path /datasets

Note: ./ODM is the folder that the output will be stored. You need your drone images inside an images folder inside your working directory. i.e. Drone images go inside ODM/images

Linux night light script

The following script let you turn your screen brightness up/down, but also adjust the color for night time.

Copy and paste code below in a nightlight.sh file

chmod +x nightlight.sh

and run

./nightlight.sh on .5


export DISPLAY=$(w $(id -un) | awk 'NF > 7 && $2 ~ /tty[0-9]+/ {print $3; exit}')

display=`xrandr | grep "\ connected" | cut -d" " -f1`
# Check if brightness was specified.  If not, set screen to 50% brightness
if (echo $2 | grep [0-9]);then
elif (echo $1 | grep -q help);then
         echo "############"
         echo "Brightness variable not set, setting to fallback of 50%"
night_mode() {
   for disp in ${display}; do
     xrandr --output $disp --gamma $1 --brightness ${brightness}
  done }
# auto is for future development
# auto() {
# The idea behind auto is to setup something that can pull the actual sunrise/sunset times then automatically adjust the display.
# Ideally there would be an algorithm so it does it slowly over a period of time, say slightly change the color over 30 minutes.
# until the desired color limit is reached
# curl sunrise-sunset.com/timezone/time
# if (time > sunset && colorTemp != colorTempMin); then
# set color to current temp-1
# elif (time > sunrise && colorTemp != colorTempMax); then);
# set to full brightness and temp
# else
# unable to parse, skipping.
# fi
help() {
echo " Help for nightmode script.  
How to run script
./nightmode.sh on/off brightness
Turn nightmode on and set screen brightness to 75%
./nightmode.sh on .75
Turn night mode off and set screen brightness to 100%
./nightmode.sh off 1
case $1 in
  off) night_mode 1:1:1 1.0 ;;
  help) help ;;
  auto) auto ;;
  *) night_mode 1:1:0.5 ;;

Setup in crontab to automatically trigger when it gets night or morning

* 21 * * * ~/nightlight.sh on .5  # Turn on at night
* 7 * * * ~/nightlight.sh off 1  # Turn off in the morning

Convert Kismet NetXML capture to CSV

First download the following python script which we’ll use to convert the Kismet NetXML file.


wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MichaelCaraccio/NetXML-to-CSV/master/main.py

You should now be able to run the script with.

python main.py 

Help output for NetXML to CSV

bob@localhost:~$ python main.py  
Usage: main.py <NetXML File> <oUTPUT File Name> <Filter> (Filter is optional)


python main.py Kismet-file-input.netxml Kismet-csv-output.csv

Example of converting file.

bob@localhost:~$ python main.py Kismet-20191023-12-50-42.netxml Kismet-20191023-12-50-42.csv

You can now import the csv into Google Earth.