More information available at the following link
Training on Spam
Train Spam from Junk email directories for email account. Replace USER with the domain admin username, DOMAIN.TLD with domain name, and ACCOUNT with the email address.
/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/sa-learn -p /home/USER/.spamassassin/user_prefs --spam /home/USER/mail/DOMAIN.TLD/.ACCOUNT@DOMAIN.TLD/.Junk/{cur,new}
Use read emails in inbox as Ham
You can use the following script to feed sa-learn ham. The script looks at all the read messages for the current year in the default inbox and then feeds them individually to sa-learn
cd /home/USER/mail/
for emailHam in `ls -lt --time-style=long-iso {cur/,new/} | grep $(date | awk '{print $6}') | grep "2,S" | awk '{print $8}'`
/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/sa-learn -p /home/${cpanelUser}/.spamassassin/user_prefs --ham ${mailbox}/{cur,new}/${emailHam}
Script to automate the process
You can use the following script to automatically train sa-learn. Create the script and then use Crontab to launch it.
Create a file named and add the following contents to it.
# Notes on cpanel mail
# - /home/cpanel_user/mail <- Default mail directory, all the email accounts are located in the directory, although there are hidden files in here that point to that.
# - the default catch all is in ..../mail
dateYear=`date +%Y`
echo "Starting Training"
for mailbox in `cat mailboxes.txt`; do
cd ${mailbox}
echo "training on Ham" for ${mailbox}
cpanelUser=`echo ${mailbox} | cut -d\/ -f3`
# Check Spam
echo "Trainging on Spam, SPAM, spam, junk, Junk Email, and Junk folders"
/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/sa-learn -p /home/${cpanelUser}/.spamassassin/user_prefs --spam ${mailbox}/{".Junk Email"/{new/,cur/},.Junk/{new/,cur/},.junk/{new/,cur/},.spam/{new/,cur/},.Spam/{new/,cur/},.SPAM/{new/,cur/}}
# Gets a list of seen messages for the current year to use as Ham
for emailHam in `ls -lt --time-style=long-iso {cur/,new/} | grep $(date | awk '{print $6}') | grep "2,S" | awk '{print $8}'`
/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/sa-learn -p /home/${cpanelUser}/.spamassassin/user_prefs --ham ${mailbox}/{cur,new}/${emailHam}
Create text file to hold mailbox paths
You’ll need to create a file called mailboxes.txt and put the email paths for the email accounts you want to run sa-learn against. The following is an example of what the file should look like.
Create Crontab
Add script to cron by running
crontab -e
and paste in the following to launch the script every day at 1AM
0 1 * * * /root/ train && echo "training run at $(date)" >> /root/email_report.log
Save and you should be ready to go.